ba | i | - come. Baby talk, usually used with very small children only. Used only as a command.
babajaka | noun | - species of bloodwood tree
babajaka | noun | |
babaji | trv | - ask. "Ngayu nyungundu babajin, Wanju nyulu?" "I asked him, Who is he?"
babal | trv | - try. "ngayu baduriji dungaka, yinya bubu babanka", "I want to go fishing to try the place out"
- taste. "ngayu mayi wayjul-wayjul, babal saltmunku", "While I'm cooking the food I'll taste it for salt"
baban | n | |
baban | noun | |
babarr | n | - older sister. "Yabaju-karra babarranda dungan mayika", "The younger brothers went to their older sister for food"
babarr | noun | |
babi | n | - grandmother, father's mother. "Babingka jija kujin-kujil", "Grand mother is looking after her grandchild"
- grandfather, mother's father
Babu walu-yindu wawubjaburr Bloomfieldmundurr jalunmun wangkar Binda-babaranga | - | No definition available |
bada | dir | - down, down river, down hill. "Ngayu bada beachmunbu dungan", "I went to the beach"
bada-bada | dir | - underneath, below. "Kaban bada-bada tablebu", "The paper is under the table"
badamal | intrv | - bend down. "Yungu dukul badamaka", "You bend your head down"
badi | intrv | - to cry, "karrakay badin mayika", "the child cried for food"
- to wail, mourn. "jana banbadi yaba wulanya", "They are wailing because their older brother died"
- to sing. "Dikal yalibalaku banbadin", "The birds were singing early in the morning"
- to howl. "kaya-kaya banbadin majangka bawanya", "the dogs were howling because their master left them"
badibu | n | |
badibu | noun | |
badur | n | - hook and line. "ngayu badurriji bundanday", "I'm fishing (sitting with hook and line)"
baja | mod | - again. "jana kuljubu jarba kunin baja, kunin baja", "They hit the snake again and again with stones"
- more. "yundu wunay baja?", "do you have more?"
- I don't know. "ngayu wanyu baja balkal", "I don't know what to tell" (This is used only with a question word)
baja-baja | noun | |
baja-baja | - | No definition available |
baja-burray | intrv | - tired. "ngayu baja-burray jilbamun", "I'm tired after the walkabout"
bajabaja | n | - blue-tongue lizard
- place name. spring above middle camp, story site
bajaku | mod | - very. "jana mayi jirray ajaku manin storemun", "They got very much food from the store"
- definitely. "ngayu kari bajakudungay", "I'm definitely not going"
- shows intensity. "nyulu bama bajaku", "he's a real aboriginal"
bajal | n | |
bajal | noun | |
bajalji | n | - species of rock python. Not many at Bloomfield, but many at Helenvale, Rossville and Shiptons Flats. They have a white head and will chase bald-headed people not wearing a hat beecause they think they are being copied
bajalji | noun | - poisonous snake (found in the Rossville-Shipton's Fault area)
bajanji | noun | |
bajar | noun | |
bajar | noun | |
bajar | noun | |
bajarr | noun | - loya vine fern leaves, used in making mia-mia
bajarr | noun | - loya vine fern leaves, used in making mia-mia
bajaybajay | adjective | - painful. "Bangkarr bajaybajay flumunmun", "My body is sore after the fly"
baji | noun | |
bajibay | noun | |
baju | noun | |
bajurr | noun | - nuisance. "Yinya karrkay bajurr bajaku", "That child is a big nuisance"
bajurr-bangkan | transitive-verb | - to scold. "Ngayu kangkal bajurr-bangkan, nyulu cassette dumbarrinya", "I scolded my child because he broke the cassette"
bajuy | noun | |
bakal | transitive | - dig. "Jana bubu bakan", "They dug a hole"
- stab, prick. "Sisterrangka needleda bakan", "Sister gave me a shot (pricked with a needle)"
bakamu | noun | |
bakamu | noun | |
bakarr | noun | |
bakay | noun | - short light brown or yellow water snake
bakay | noun | |
baki | noun | - toys with wheels. English loan word from buggy.
bakikiri | noun | |
Bakikiri | noun | - place name, the river and ground at Butcher's Hill
baku | noun | |
Baku | noun | - place name, point off Snapper Island
bakul | noun | - poison plant found at Rossville.
- tobacco. This is no longer in use for tobacco.
bala | noun | - feathertail flider or sugar glider
bala | adjective | - skinny, weak from sickness or not enough to eat. "Yundu balaman mayi karimun", "You became skinny from not having enough food"
balabay | noun | |
balabay | noun | |
Balabay | noun | - place name. Plantation Creek and the ground around its mouth
balamu | noun | |
balanbalan | adj | - level, flat
- a "Yundu balnhi wunay, bayan ngara bubunga balanbalanba.", "When you camp out, you should build your shelter on flat ground"
balar | noun | - high tide
- place name - Okay Creek ground
balar | noun | |
balarr | noun | |
balarri | noun | |
balarri | noun | |
balay | adjective | |
balba | adjective | |
balbal | trv | - shine "Wungaraba dayirr bajaku balban." , "The sun shone brightly"
balbay | noun | - lightning "Balbaynja dalbarrinji", "Lighting might strike"
balbi | trv | |
balibali | adj | - leaky, "Bayan balibali, bana walalarrku", "The house is leaky, the water is coming in."
baliji | noun | - people belonging to open country
balja | noun | - A kind of food. It is coked in the fire, groud up and eaten.
balji | noun | - ladie's dilly bag, made from grass or black palm
balkabalka | noun | - something fishy
- place name, mouth of Bloomfield River, south side
balkaji | intransitive-verb | - to be born, to come into being
- place name, mouth of Bloomfield River, south side
- being, "ngawa yilayku balkajin", "the baby was born yesterday"
- being, "nganka balkajinda", "there are are flowers now"
balkal | transitive-verb | - tell, "ngayu yunundu balkankuda", "I already told you"
- make, "nyulu kalka balkan", "he made a spear"
balkalaway | intransitive-verb | |
balmbalka | noun | |
balmbalka | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
balngku | noun | - not quite fully grown
- boy's age before he becomes a warru
balnji | modifier | - doing something right
- properly with a fire as in cooking or hardening spears over a fire
- doing something right, "minya balnji baja wayju", "cook the meat properly"
- camping out, "jana balnji wunanay", "they are camping out"
balu | associative | - not want, "ngayu diyika baluda", "I don't want any tea right now"
- don't want
balu | modifier | - contrary to fact thought, "balu nyulu kadan", "I thought he came but he didn't"
- almost, just about, "ngayu balu jukijuki kunin", "I almost hit the chicken"
- allow, let, "diyi balu bujarmaka", "let the tea get cool"
balungkul | noun | |
balur | noun | |
balur | - | No definition available |
baluriji | - | No definition available |
bama | noun | - people, mankind
- mankind
- aborigine, not a white person
bama-ngaykunku | exclamation | - my word, "bama ngaykunku, nganya balu kunijinkuda", "my word, I was almost hit"
bambal | transitive verb | - call by kinship term, "ngayu nyungunin bambal babi", "I call her grandmother"
- choose in the sense of claim
bamban | adjective | - me first
- first in line
- first to get something
bambay | adjective | |
bambay-baka | noun | |
bambayal | noun | - a long thin variety of yam
bana | noun | |
banabila | noun | - place name - the ground at the mouth of the Bloomfield River on the south side through where Mr. Biddle's mission used to be
banabila | noun | |
banabila | noun | - south side of Bloomfield River mouth
banabila | - | No definition available |
banabila-warra | noun | - the people that belong to the mouth of the river and along the beach
- people who belong to Banabila
banabul | noun | |
banaji | noun | - name given to a doctor man
- doctor
banamu | noun | |
banamu | noun | |
banbanba | noun | |
Banbanba | noun | |
banda | noun | |
banday | noun | - species of tree
- also the fruit of the tree which is like a small cherry, ripe in December
banday | noun | - species of tree with edible cherry-like fruit
bandin | noun | - waist on the side above the hips
- love handles
bangka-bangkangal | transitive verb | - to sing, shout, cry loudly, "kaykay-kaykayangka wulngku bangka-bangkangan", "the children sang loudly"
- sing
- shout
- wail
- cry loudly
bangkal | transitive verb | - gather, accumulate, "ngayu Brisbane dungan, toy, kambi bangkal-bangkan yabaju-karragna", "When I went to Brisbane, I got (gathered) toys and clothing for my younger brothers"
bangkal | noun | - tongs made from voya vine, used in cooking in a kurrma - an earth oven
Bangkal-ngaran | noun | - place name of ground where Grass tree and Bijan creeks meet.
bangkal-ngaren | noun | - Shipton's Flat area, a junction of Grasstree and Bijan creeks
bangkamu | noun | |
bangkan | noun | - a kind of root, a medecine for sores. Boil the roots and wash the sores with the water.
bangkarr | noun | - a person's body, his flesh
bangkarr-bajurr | adjective | - a person who is a nuisance
bangkarr-bila | adjective | - a person who is in a hurry
bangkarr-buyan | adjective | |
bangkarr-jiba-badi | adjective | |
bangkarr-wumba | adjective | |
bangunji | noun | |
banjay | noun | - species of wild yam, small and round. They are roasted in the fire, ground up and eaten. Given to the child to make it talk.
banji | noun | - relationship term, brother-in-law or sister-in-law. This shows actual relationship, not tribal relationship, someone who marries your actual brother or sister.
baral | transitive verb | - to feel something, "nyulu nguwul-nguwulbu torch baran-baral", "He was feeling for his torch in the dark"
baral | noun | |
barbarr | noun | |
barbi | adjective | |
barbi | noun | |
bari | noun | |
baril-baril | noun | |
baril-baril | noun | |
baringkan | noun | |
barinkan | noun | - scrub bird, dark grey with white breast
barka | noun | - Queensland nut, ripe in July-October
- yellow water snake
barka | noun | |
barka | noun | |
barkamali | noun | |
Barkamali | noun | - place name - in the China camp area
barrangkul | adjective | |
barrbal | noun | |
barrbal | noun | |
barrka-buyan | noun | - person with a bad leg or arm, lame, crippled.
barrkar | noun | |
barrkawun | adjective | |
barrmal | transitive verb | - escort, to take a person somewhere, "ngayu jinkurr barrman kaminda", "I took younger sister to grandmother"
baru | noun | - lap, "nyulu karrkay barunga kujil-kujil", "she is holding the child in her lap"
- lap, "nyulu karrkay baru-baka", "The child is spoiled - always wanting to be held"
bawaji | intransitive verb | - stay, remain, is left, "jana bayanbaku dungan ngayu bawajin", "they all went home but I stayed"
bawal | transitive verb | - to leave something or some place, "ngayu Bloomfield bawan, Mossman dungan", "I left Bloomfield and went to Mossman"
- to quit something, "Kuyungku kari bajaku baykan, ngayu badu bawanda", "the fish wouldn't bite so I quit fishing"
baway | noun | |
baway | noun | - species of tree with edible fruit
baya | noun | - flame, fire
- fire, "baya wayu", light a fire
- firewood, "nyulu baya mujan", "he collected firewood"
bayan | noun | |
baybu | noun | |
bayil | noun | |
bayil | noun | |
bayil-bayil | noun | |
bayilbayil | noun | |
bayin | noun | - premature child, "yinya ngawa bayin bajaku", "That baby is very premature"
- very small child
- child spirit
bayjal | transitive-verb | - ignore, don't pay attention to
bayjurr | adjective | - restless, always moving about
baykal | transitive-verb | - bite, "kayangka bikibiki baykan, kujinkuda", "the dog bit the pig and held on"
baykal | intransitive-verb | - ache, pain, "ngayu dukal baykal", "my head aches"
baykal | intransitive-verb | - ache, pain, "ngayu dukal baykal", "my head aches"
baymbay | noun | |
bibar | noun | |
bibi | noun | - breast
- breast milk, "nyulu karrkay banbadi bibi nukanka", "The baby is crying, he wants to feed"
bibikarrbaja | noun | |
Bibikarrbaja | noun | |
bidin-damaja | noun | |
bidin-damaja | noun | |
Bidin-damaja | noun | - place name - close to Ten Mile and upper reaches of the Daintree river
bidu-bidu | noun | |
bidubidu | noun | |
bijal | transitive-verb | - to lick, "karrkayangka icecream cone bijan", "The child licked the icecream cone"
bijalabay | noun | - five corner nut, found in the scrub
- place name, a hill near China Camp with lots of five corner nuts
bijalabay | noun | |
bijan | noun | |
bijarr | noun | |
biji | noun | |
bijikan | noun | |
bijin | noun | |
bijjaril | transitive-verb | - to dream, "ngayu kurriyala bijarrin", "I dream about a carpet snake"
bikarr | noun | |
bikarrakal | noun | - a kind of grub used for bait
- species of tree and its fruit. The fruit must be cooked first.
bikarrakul | noun | - ti tree (fruit must be cooked)
bikibiki | noun | |
biku-nyajil | transitive-verb | |
bila | auxilary | - fast, rapid, "bana-bila", "fast running water"
- fast, rapid, "bangkarr bila", "a person in a hurry"
bilaji | noun | |
bilaji | noun | |
bilamal | intransitive-verb | |
bilangkurr | noun | |
bilanji | noun | - grass used to make dilly bags
bilar | noun | - candle nut tree. The nuts are edible after roasting.
bilar | noun | |
bilbil-bilbil | noun | |
bilirr | noun | |
bilmbin | noun | - small shark which comes around mangroves and in the river
- black-tip shark
bilmbin | noun | |
bilngkumu | noun | |
bilu-warra | noun | |
biluwarra | noun | |
bimakay | noun | |
bimay | noun | |
bimbarrbay | noun | |
binal | associative | - to know, "ngayu binal kari", "I don't know"
- to know, "Ngayu binal-binalku bundanka", "I want to know"
binal-bungal | transitive-verb | - teach, "teacherangka kaykay-kaykay binal-bungan-bungal", "The teacher is teaching children"
binal-damaji | intransitive-verb | - to go back to get something you left
binalku | associative | |
binan | noun | |
binanjal | noun | |
binanji | noun | - species of fig (large edible)
binda | noun | - shoulder
- fork in a tree or river
binda-babara | noun | |
binda-babara | - | No definition available |
Binda-babarra | noun | - place name - top of divide btween the Daintree and Bloomfield watersheds
binda-damal | transitive-verb | - run someone down, gossip, "jana bama yindu binda-damal-damal", "They are running someone else down"
- explain, describe
binda-dijarr | noun | |
Binda-dijarr | noun | - place name - Stoney crossing in the upper Daintree River
binda-jalbu | noun | |
Binda-jalbu | noun | - place name - along Daintree River
binda-milmal | noun | |
Binda-milmal | noun | - place name - upper Daintree River
bindi | noun | |
bindimu | noun | |
bindimu | noun | |
bingabinga | noun | |
bingaji | adjective | |
bingaji | noun | - white-haired man or woman
bingkajiri | noun | - species of tree with long finger-like seed which people used to eat but don't anyore. A white man supposedly got blind from eating it.
bingkajiri | noun | - species of with edible fruit with long finger-like seeds
binju | noun | - wrongly married according to tribal law
- poorly made or cooked, "binju tea", "tea that is too strong"
- small black snake, light or reddish belly, poisonous
binju | noun | - light bellied black snake
binjul-binjul | noun | |
binjul-binjul | noun | |
binjurr-binjurr | noun | |
binjurrbinjurr | noun | |
binyu | noun | - shooting star
- the spirit of a dead person which becomes a shooting star, someone recently dead. If you see a shooting star you know someone has or will soon die, as the shootying star can come before or during death.
bira | noun | |
biray | noun | |
birbun | noun | - curse plate. The face of the wrong-doer is painted on a piece of wood with charcoal. It is hung up and as it is twirling, the curse takes effect on the wrong-doer.
birinjil | noun | |
birmba | noun | - straw-necked ibis, which is the totem of the walarr moiety
birmba | noun | |
birra | noun | |
birrbirr | noun | - parrot, parakeet, lorikeet
birrbirr | noun | - rainbow lorikeet (parakeet)
birri | noun | |
birrili | manner | |
birru | noun | - kind of bad spirit
- a bad, savage person
- derogatory term for a white man
biru-biru | noun | |
biru-biru | noun | |
birukay | noun | |
birungubay | noun | - paddle, oar. Often contracted to biruwybay or birubay
birungubaynja manil | transitive-verb | |
biwar | noun | |
biwul | noun | - mother in law
- name of seprate language used to speak to in-laws
biwul | noun | - black snake (bigger than the red bellied)
biwur | manner | - sitting with hands holding legs, "Nyulu biwurku bundanday", "He is sitting with his hands holding his legs"
biwuy | noun | - purpoise, dugong, sea cow
- iron
biyal | noun | - gristle, sinew, string, blood vessel (especially wallaby tail sinew)
biyangkal | noun | - yam, which must be first roasted, then ground, then leached for a couple huors in many changes of water before it can be safely eaten
biyul | noun | - nyungkal - turtle spear point
- yalanji kurajan.
bubal | noun | |
bubal | noun | |
buban | noun | - small amount, "ngayu money buban wunay", "I have only a little bit of money"
- short time, "nyulu buban bundan", "He stayed a little while"
bubanmal | intransitive verb | |
bubu | noun | - groud, earth. "kambi bubujida", "the clothes are dirty now"
- a person's country, where he belonds, "nyungu bubu Shipton's Flats", "his country is Shipton's Flats"
bubu jabul | noun | |
bubu walu-yinda wawubajaburr | - | No definition available |
Bubu Walu-yindu wawubajaburr | - | No definition available |
bubu walu-yindu-walu-yindi | - | No definition available |
bubu walu-yindu-walu-yindi | - | No definition available |
bubu yirmbal | noun | |
bububay | - | No definition available |
bububay | noun | |
bubun | - | No definition available |
buda | - | No definition available |
budida | - | No definition available |
budukul | - | No definition available |
bujabay | - | No definition available |
bujabay | noun | - species with edible fruit which must be leaved (in water)
bujabuja | - | No definition available |
bujal | - | No definition available |
bujan | - | No definition available |
bujar | - | No definition available |
bujarr-bujarr | - | No definition available |
bujarr-bujarr | noun | |
buji | - | No definition available |
bujil | - | No definition available |
bujil-barin | - | No definition available |
bujil-bulkaji | - | No definition available |
bujil-jalngkun | - | No definition available |
bujil-janjil | - | No definition available |
bujil-kabu | - | No definition available |
bujil-wungara | - | No definition available |
bujil-yiran | - | No definition available |
bujil-yiran | noun | |
bujur | - | No definition available |
bukarr | - | No definition available |
bukul | - | No definition available |
bukul-bukul | - | No definition available |
bukunjarra | - | No definition available |
bukunjarra | noun | - species of tree with edible fruit like soursop but smaller
bula | - | No definition available |
bularr | - | No definition available |
bularr | - | No definition available |
bulawu | - | No definition available |
bulba | - | No definition available |
bulban | noun | |
bulban | - | No definition available |
bulbu | - | No definition available |
bulbuji | - | No definition available |
bulbul | - | No definition available |
bulbul | noun | |
bulbul | noun | |
bulbululul | - | No definition available |
bulbun | - | No definition available |
bulbur | - | No definition available |
buldar | - | No definition available |
buliman | - | No definition available |
buljun | - | No definition available |
bulka | - | No definition available |
bulkiji | - | No definition available |
bulmbuy | - | No definition available |
bulngal | - | No definition available |
bulngkalba | - | No definition available |
bulngkalba | - | No definition available |
bulngkar | noun | |
bulngkarr | - | No definition available |
bulnja | - | No definition available |
bulnja | noun | |
bulnjur | - | No definition available |
bulu | - | No definition available |
bulu-duray | - | No definition available |
bulu-kajaji | - | No definition available |
bulu-ngaru | - | No definition available |
bunda | - | No definition available |
bunday | - | No definition available |
bungkay | - | No definition available |
bungku | - | No definition available |
bungku-duray | - | No definition available |
bungku-jaba | - | No definition available |
bungku-mururmur | - | No definition available |
bungkubu janay | - | No definition available |
bungun | - | No definition available |
bungun | - | No definition available |
bunjal | - | No definition available |
bunjay | - | No definition available |
bunjay-dalkay | - | No definition available |
bunjay-kangal | - | No definition available |
bunjil | - | No definition available |
bunjulu | - | No definition available |
bunjulu | noun | |
bunjurril | - | No definition available |
bununbu | - | No definition available |
bununbu | - | No definition available |
burakaji | - | No definition available |
burakal | - | No definition available |
bural | - | No definition available |
buray | - | No definition available |
burdal | - | No definition available |
burin | - | No definition available |
buriwarr | - | No definition available |
burkul | - | No definition available |
burkulbu | - | No definition available |
burmu | - | No definition available |
burngkal | - | No definition available |
burngu | - | No definition available |
burra | - | No definition available |
burra-warri | - | No definition available |
burra-warrija | noun | |
burra-warrija | - | No definition available |
burranga | noun | |
burranga | - | No definition available |
burray | - | No definition available |
burrba | - | No definition available |
burri | - | No definition available |
burri-burri | - | No definition available |
burri-dalkil | - | No definition available |
burri-dudal | - | No definition available |
burri-kari | - | No definition available |
burridudal-dudal | transitive-verb | |
burril | - | No definition available |
burrin-burrin | - | No definition available |
burrin-burrin | noun | |
burrir | - | No definition available |
burrir-warra | - | No definition available |
burriyaja | - | No definition available |
burrkaymba | noun | |
burrkaymba | - | No definition available |
burrkaymba | - | No definition available |
burrki | - | No definition available |
burrki-manil | - | No definition available |
burrkul | - | No definition available |
burrkul | noun | |
burrkul-dandi | - | No definition available |
burrkun | - | No definition available |
burrngkay-burrngkay | - | No definition available |
burrngkuy | - | No definition available |
buru | noun | |
buru | - | No definition available |
buru-warra | - | No definition available |
buru-warri | - | No definition available |
buru-warri-manil | - | No definition available |
buruku | - | No definition available |
burukuy | - | No definition available |
burul | - | No definition available |
burul-burul | - | No definition available |
burunbu | - | No definition available |
burunbu | - | No definition available |
bururr | - | No definition available |
buubarr | - | No definition available |
buwal | - | No definition available |
buwiku | - | No definition available |
buwun | - | No definition available |
buyay-manil | - | No definition available |
buyi | - | No definition available |
buyi | - | No definition available |
buyi | noun | - a type of bird called buyi
buyilbuyil | - | No definition available |
buyku | noun | |
buykuji | - | No definition available |
buymbil | - | No definition available |
buyukal | - | No definition available |
buyukal | noun | - tree (english name unknown)
buyun | - | No definition available |
buyun-buyun | - | No definition available |
buyunkay | - | No definition available |
dabadaba | noun | - larvae and eggs of any kind of bee
dabal | noun | - boys from the time they are babies - ngawa - to older boys - warru
dabu | noun | - small black bee which nests in trees, has a light sting
- the honey from this bee
- the name of one of the clan moieties
dabul | - | No definition available |
dabul | noun | - pierced nose and nose peg. The piecing is always done by a man's biwul, his mother in law. Biwulungku dabul bakan. "My mother in law pierced his nose"
- place name - between upper Daintree River and Roaring Meg. The big rock here is a jarramali (thunder) and nose piecing story site.
dabulkurra | noun | - human shin bone, for conveying messages to someone. The hollow bone is also used to catch a person's shadow which is then closed up inside the bone. This is then used to put withcraft on the person. He may also put a person's urine or other belonging inside.
daburri | noun | |
dabuy | noun | - small brownish kingfisher, totem of both dabu and walarr moieties. When this bird starts singing yo know you will get company, that someone is travelling.
- spirit
dabuy | noun | |
dabway | noun | - black messenger bird, totem of both dabu and walarr moieties
dabway | noun | |
dajal | noun | |
dajali | noun | |
dajalkira | noun | |
dajay | noun | - person's spirit after death. "Nyulu jalbu wulan, yinyayanka jana nyungu dajay warrmba-bunganka." "The woman died, that's why they want to find her spirit". Afer a dambunji (murderer) kills a person, the murdered person becomes a dajay. The witch doctor (rrunyuji) will then try to locate this dajay in order to ascertain who did the killing. All people's spirits become a dajay after death, not only those who are murdered.
dajil | transitive-verb | |
dajiway | intransitive-verb | |
dakal | intransitive-verb | - climb. "nyulu jukungu dakan", "he climbed the tree"
- get into a truck or car, "nyulu truckmunbu dakan", "he got on the truck"
dakaldakal | noun | |
dakandil | transitive-verb | - to break something down
- destroy
- delberately drop something
- push someone down, to do anything of this sort, if you lose your temper, to call attention to oneself if one feels he has been wronged in some way. "Dingkarangka karrkay dakandin kuli-kadanymundu" "The man dropped the child because he was angry"
daki-daki | noun | - lazy or in the way. "Yundu daki-daki, dungayda", "You are lazy, get out of my way"
dakil | noun | - arm, branch of a tree, wing
dakil-dakil | noun | |
dakilji | noun | - cup
- panninkin, only rarely used now.
dakumbar | noun | - water gum tree (nyungkul dialect). "yalanji-jinajina", "This wood is good for woomeras"
dakumbar | noun | - watergum (also called Nyungkul)
dakwul-dakwul | noun | - brown and white scrub bird. The male has brown on the top of his head, a white strip past the eye. Tey clear an area, then many form a circle with on in the middle and the middle one will sing and dance.
dakwul-dakwul | noun | - brown and white scrub bird
dakwurr-dakwun | noun | - hammer bird, totem of the walarr moiety
dakwurr-dakwun | noun | |
dakwuy | adjective | |
dalban | noun | |
dalban | noun | |
dalbarril | noun | - strike by lightning. "balbaynja juku dalbarrin", "the lightning struck the tree"
- ricochet, as a stone striking another stone and bouncing off or a person throwing a spear at a sea turtle and the spear glancing off the shell
- to quickly scold someone and then quickly leave. "bamangka kukubu dalbarrin", "the man scolded (him), (then left)"
dalkal | noun | |
dalkal | noun | |
dalkan | noun | - species of tree, grows along beaches
dalkan | noun | - species which grows along beaches
dalkari | noun | |
dalkay | intranstive-verb | - hatch. "warngku 10-bala, kaykay-kaykay dalkay", "after 10 days the little ones hatch out"
dalkay-manil | transitive-verb | - to blow up, as to blow up a balloon
- to break in little pieces, as a bottle
dalkiji | noun | - to beat up. "nyulu ngamungku karrkay dalkijin", "the mother beat up the child"
dalkil | transitive-verb | - to crack a nut or whip,or shoot a gun
- to give a name or call a person by a name. "ngayu nyungunyin burri dalkin carol", "I gave her the name Carol"
dalku | noun | - archer fish (nyungkul dialect)
- yalanji - mujarrka
dalku | noun | |
dalmbal | noun | - flathad (also dukul-barangka)
dalmbal | noun | |
dalngan | adjective | - well able to do something, courageous. (synonym - muna, burrkul-dandi)
dalngarri | noun | - flames which make light. "baya dalngarri-bunga", "make the fire give light"
- urine. "ngayu dalngarrinji dungay", "I have to go to the toilet"
dama-murnil | transitive-verb | |
damal | transitive-verb | - to spear. "nyulu kalkabu kuyu daman", "he speared a fish with a spear"
- to sea. "ngayu kambi daman", "I made the dress"
- to baptise. "pastorangka nyungun banabu dukul daman", "the pastor baptised him"
- to wash. "nyulu yinkinba kambi daman", "she washed clothes in the creek"
damaway | intransitive-verb | |
damba | noun | |
dambal | noun | - shoes, boots, thongs, footwear
dambun | noun | - a spirit who kills people
dambunji | noun | - a person who is possed with a spirit who kills, a murderer
damu | noun | |
damu naka | noun | - a person facing south, or the slope of a hill facing south
danbal | noun | |
danbal | noun | |
danda | noun | |
dandarrbina | noun | - yellow freshwater eelfish
dandarrbina | noun | |
dandi | adjective | - hard, tough
- healthy, strong
Dandi | pro-noun | |
dangal | adjective | |
dara | noun | |
daray | intransitive-verb | |
daray-manil | transitive-verb | |
dari | noun | - boxwood tree, grows mainly in high places
dari | noun | |
darka | noun | |
darkay | noun | |
darra | adjective | |
darrba | noun | |
darrbil | transitive-verb | - deny relationship with someone
dawa-dawa | noun | |
dawadawa | noun | |
dawal | noun | |
dawal | noun | |
dawar | noun | |
dawarr | noun | |
daya | transitive-verb | |
daya | transitive-verb | |
dayirr | adjective | |
dibarr | noun | |
dibirr-dibirr | noun | |
dibirrdibirr | noun | - rainbow bird, honey eater
dibul | noun | |
diburr | noun | |
diburr-miyil | noun | |
didal | transitive-verb | |
diday-manil | transitive-verb | - say something bad about someone
dijaraban | noun | |
dijarr | noun | - species of freshwater fish, like the jungle perch - bayi - but not around here. Found at Rossville and Shipton's Flats
dijarr | noun | - species of fresh water perch
dijarr-dijin | noun | |
dijarrdijin | noun | |
dikal | noun | |
Dikal wali-yindu-wai-yindu | - | No definition available |
dikarr | noun | |
dikarr | - | No definition available |
dikarr | - | No definition available |
dikarr | noun | - magic to make people sick
- Thompson Creek camp
dikarr-warra | noun | - the people living originally at Thompson Creek.
dikarra | noun | - war spear, has a stingray barb
dikirr | noun | |
dikurrbu | - | No definition available |
dikurrbu | noun | - zig-zag above Thomas Creek (place name)
dilbal | noun | - hictory tree (a type of tree)
dilbal | noun | |
dili | noun | - corkwood pine; the tree from whicch witchetty comes
dili | noun | |
dilngku-baja | noun | |
dilngku-baja | - | No definition available |
dilngku-baja | pronoun | - Middle camp (place name) also rock in river. (story site)
dimbi | noun | |
dimbirr | noun | |
dimulji | noun | - one who talks to the spirits of the dead
dimur-dimur | noun | - spirit. After a man is murdered by a dambunji, the dimur-dimur sucks the blood of the man who was killed to make him alive again.
dimurraji | noun | - a person who is able to summon up the dead
dindal | transitive-verb | |
dindarra | directional | |
dingal | noun | - base of a tree
- end of something
dingkal | transitive-verb | |
dingkar | noun | |
dingki | noun | |
dingkil-dingkil | noun | |
dingkul | adjective | - part, part full, part way
diri-diri | noun | |
dirka | noun | - cream of tartar
- fur
- finecut tobacco
- powder
dirka | noun | |
dirka-dirka | adjective | |
dirra | noun | |
dirra-baka | noun | - a person who swears a lot, uses a lot of foul language
dirramajaji | intransitive-verb | - to grind one's teeth, to gnash one's teeth
dirrku | adjective | |
dirrmbay | noun | |
dirrmbay | noun | - seagull which gives warning of an approaching storm
- music struck as a warning that a big corroboree is about to start
- message to a dead person to not make it a long night. This is done on the night the corpse is in the house
diwalngku | noun | |
diwalngku | noun | |
diwan | noun | |
diwan | noun | |
diyi | noun | |
dubal | noun | - coolamon
- bark coffin or container for dead who were then placed in a cave
dubar | adjective | |
dubar kalbay | noun | - The Daintree side of Rocky Point (place name)
dubu | noun | - generic term for spirit
- the spirit of a dead person
dubu-mirrkirr | noun | |
dubu-mirrkirr | - | No definition available |
dubu-mirrkirr | noun | - stone skull along path on top of the zig-zag (story site)
duburan | noun | - directional sign, one placed in position, (not a motion), as a heap of stones or grass twisted to point the way
- ring of soft materials to put on women's for carrying things
dudal | transitive-verb | |
dudu | noun | |
duduy | noun | - bush, weeds, tangled growth
dujandujan | noun | - locust, large cicada found in mountains
dukal | noun | - kind of fruit (fig) that is edible after roasting
duku | noun | |
dukul | noun | - head
- bow of boat
- boss, from English
- head on a tape recorder
dukul bajibay | noun | |
dukul-barangkal | noun | - flathead, species of fish.
dukul-dandi | adjective | |
dukul-dukul | noun | - broad-leafed bush that can be used as cover for a dirt oven, kurrma.
dukul-kulnkul | adjective | - sorrow
- to feel sleepy as if with a heavy head
dukul-mukul | noun | - species of small lizard with big head
dukul-wuri | adjective | |
dukunjaka | noun | |
dukunjuju | noun | |
dukunjulu | noun | |
dukurr | noun | |
dukurr buyin | adjective | |
duli | noun | |
dulku | noun | |
dulku | noun | |
dulmbi | noun | - umbrella palm
- name of a place at Stucky's Gap
dulmbil | noun | |
dulmbill | noun | |
dulngki | adjective | |
dulngku | noun | |
dumbarriji | intransitive-verb | |
dumbarril | transitive-verb | |
dumbul | noun | - any hard covering such as bark of a tree, crust of bread, shell of turtle
duna | noun | |
dungay | intransitive-verb | - go. This is contracted to duway in fast speech.
dungkul | adjective | |
dungkunji | noun | - bad spirit who in form of a crocodile, covered with crocodile skin
dunjal | noun | - a growth on the bottom of a foot
dunju | noun | |
dunju | noun | |
dunju-dunju | adjective | - having lots of knobs, spikes, thorns, etc
- coarse
dunyu | noun | |
duray | adjective | |
durra | noun | |
durral | noun | - species of tree and its edible fruit
- spears made from this wood
durral | noun | - species with edible fruit
durray | noun | |
durrbal | noun | - a greedy person who has eaten all the food
durrkin | noun | |
durru | noun | |
durrubu dungay | intrasitive-verb | |
duru-duru | adjective | |
duwar | noun | - black palm
- black palm spear
duwar | noun | |
jaba | noun | - stick, sapling, post, walking stick, horn
jaba-jaba | adjective | - adult
- ready or big enough for eating, big
jabalbina | noun | - home of the ancestors
- Maytown language for storm
jabani | noun | - Japanese (english loan word)
jabarr | noun | |
jabarr | noun | |
jabarrangkul | noun | - blank ant. Also their nest in rotten logs.
jabil | transitive-verb | |
jabil | noun | |
jabul | adjective | |
jabulbina | noun | - thunder out west, the start of all storms
jadal-jadal | adjective | - missed, as missed hearing it
- not strong enough
jadalangka | noun | |
jadamu | noun | |
jadi | noun | - sand goanna. Only old people are allowed to eat it.
jajikal | noun | - north side of Bloomfield River mouth
jajikal | noun | |
jajikal | noun | - pandanus tree (screw palm)
- name of lower (bottom) camp in Ayton where there are lots of pandanus trees
jajikal | noun | |
jajin | noun | |
jajirril | transitive-verb | - to stand something up
- bail up, put up an animal
jaka | noun | |
jaka | noun | - friar bird (leather-head)
jakal | noun | |
jakal | noun | |
jakalambal | transitive-verb | - start a fire start to cook food
jakalba | adjective | - ahead, in front of, before
jakalbaku | time | - at the first, in the beginning
jakalbamunku | adjective | - the first-born, first one
jakalkulu | noun | |
jakalmunku | adjective | |
jakari | noun | |
jakay | noun | |
jakay-dandi | adjective | |
jakay-jakay | adjective | |
jakay-jakayku | manner | |
jakibiyal | adjective | |
jakuji | noun | |
jakway | noun | |
jala-jala | adjective | - loose, loosely put together
jalamal | intransitive-verb | - jump, hop, skip
- get out of a truck, car, boat or plane
jalan | noun | - edible sea creature with a shell like a porcupine with prickles which lives on the rocks by the sea. (you fry the meat)
jalban-baka | adjective | - always wanting to be high up - climbing trees
jalbayn | noun | |
jalbil | noun | - greenish black lizard about 12 inches long
- some mythological person/animal who split Snapper Island away from the main-land. Story of dakwurrdakwun cooking marra-bujabay in kurrma
jalbu | noun | |
jalbubun | noun | |
jalil-jalil | noun | |
jaljan | noun | |
jalkar | noun | |
jalkar-jalkar | adjective | |
jalkaraburr | noun | - high reaches of the mountains
jalkay | noun | |
jalkay | noun | |
jalkinba | adjective | - loosely, slack, gently, not strongly
jalngarr | noun | |
jalngka | adjective | |
jalngka | noun | |
jalngka-bungal | transitive-verb | - take the rough off a piece of wood with a tool or a piece of glass
- making a place level
jalngkaji | noun | |
jalngkal | transitive-verb | - to remove a hard or tough covering, e.g. a coconut
jalngkay | intransitive-verb | |
jalngkun | adjective | |
jalnji | noun | - species of poison nut tree, not edible for humans. Gum from this tree is not poisonous, used for making spears.
jalnji | noun | |
jalun | noun | |
jalungkarr | noun | |
Jalunji | noun | - people belonging to the seaside
jama | noun | |
jamal | noun | |
jamalka | noun | |
jamar | noun | |
jamarbina | noun | |
jamba | noun | |
jambul | adjective | |
jambul-jambul | adjective | |
jambun | noun | - grub. Mareeba dialect for mujurr
jamu | noun | |
jana | noun | |
janay | intransitive-verb | |
janay-manil | transitive-verb | |
janbal | noun | - blue quondong
- blue spotted fantail ray
janbal | noun | |
janbal | noun | |
janban | noun | |
janbangaji | intransitive-verb | - to become stuck, to stick to
- to keep something that is not your own, but you don't steal it, just find it somewhere
janbangal | transitive-verb | - to glue or stick something, using pitch or glue (yalanji only)
janbar | noun | - stick, also used for sticky honey
janbay | transitive-verb | |
janbay-janbay | adjective | |
janbay-manil | transitive-verb | - to stick or glue something to something
jandal | noun | |
jandu | noun | - a food made from flour cooked in water, which is thick, not soupy
jangka | noun | |
jangkal-jangkal | adjective | - bristling, ready to fight
jangkan | noun | |
jangkan | noun | |
jangkarra | noun | |
jangkarra | noun | - along upper reaches of Daintree River
jangkuy | noun | |
jani | adjective | |
janjarr-janjarr | adjective | - nuisance, cheeky, trouble maker
janji-manil | transitive-verb | |
janjil | intransitive-verb | |
janka | adjective | |
janku | noun | |
jarba | noun | |
Jarba wali-yindu-wali-yindu | noun | |
Jarba wali-yindu-wali-yindu | - | No definition available |
jarbir | noun | |
jarbir | noun | |
jarmbil | noun | - wash away
- drift, as things the drift by the tide
jarra | noun | |
jarra-jarra | adjective | |
jarra-kulbal | noun | |
jarra-kulbal | transitive-verb | |
jarra-maliyan | noun | - above Thompson Creek Camp (place name) (story site)
jarrabi | noun | |
jarrabi | noun | - upper reaches of Daintree River Junction to Gold Hill
jarrabina | noun | |
jarramali | noun | - thunder, thunderstorm, thunderheads
- praying mantis
- small species of stingray
jarramali bajaku | adjective | - someone who is angry and yelling at people, who loses his temper
jarramaliyan | - | No definition available |
jarrangkal | noun | |
jarrangkal | noun | |
jarrawaki | noun | - species of some shelled sea creature
- skin colour, a little lighter than usual but not light enough to be half-case
jarrbar | manner | - to be flat on one's stomach, prone
jarri | intransitive-verb | |
jarrjal | noun | - message stick used to carry bad news, usually a stick about 4 inches long, with notches (If a person receives a sensation on the forehead, it is an indication of bad news)
jarrkal | noun | - an item, quartz, marble, bone - which is pulled out of a person's body by the witch doctor when sick
jarrngkurr | noun | |
jarru | noun | |
jarruka | noun | |
jarruka | noun | - scrub hen, also used to refer to the eggs and/or nest of scrub hen
jarunga-kija | - | No definition available |
jawarr | noun | |
jawarr-baka | noun | - someone who is always arguing or complaining
jawarr-wunay | intransitive-verb | |
jaway | adjective | |
jawun | noun | |
jawurraji | noun | |
jayarr-jayarr | adjective | - pleasant, nice to talk to
jaybay | intransitive-verb | - to become stuck, stick to
jayjin | noun | - name for policeman (sergeant) (english loan word)
jayju | noun | |
jiba | noun | |
jiba-janay | intransitive-verb | - turn around from stomach to back when lying down
jiba-jurrkiji | intransitive-verb | - repent, to go a different way, morally
jiba-ngulkurmal | adjective | |
jiba-warri | intransitive-verb | |
jiba-wulay | adjective | - sweet, as sugarcane
- feel really good and satisfied, as after a good meal
jiba-yararri | intransitive-verb | |
jibabu nyajil | transitive-verb | - to know without seeing or hearing
jibabu nyajil | transitive-verb | |
jibabu-nyajil | transitive-verb | |
jibal | noun | |
jibar | noun | |
jibarr | directional | - south and inland from the coast, south-west
jibi-badi | intransitive-verb | - to feel sorrow, grief, pity
jibul | noun | |
jibul | noun | - species of large bat
- place name - cave between Kangkaji and Kaway (story site). Also called Kurrbi.
jidi | noun | - paperbark tree bark torch
jidu | noun | - species of wild fruit in scrub, a bushy plant, with long leaves, ripe in March. These leaves are also used to line a dirt oven (kurrma)
jija | noun | - grandchild (one's son's children)
jijamali | noun | - coconut grove across from mill
jijamali | noun | - name of old house across the river from the mill, now burned down
jiji | noun | - roof of house
- the top of anything
jijiamali | - | No definition available |
jijiniliji | noun | - south side of Bloomfield River mouth
jijiniliji | - | No definition available |
jijiniliji | - | - place name. First ground upriver from the mouth of the Bloomfield River (south side)
jijirr | noun | |
jijirr | noun | |
jijirrbay | noun | |
jijirrbay | noun | |
jika | adjective | - any food if, when cooked, is not hard but squishy (like sweet potatoes, or pumpkin)
jika-birra | noun | |
jikaji | intransitive-verb | - to stretch - as on awakening from sleep
jikal | transitive-verb | |
jikan | noun | |
jila | noun | |
jila-burra | noun | |
jila-warri | intransitive-verb | |
jilanji | noun | - vareity of edible fig and the tree
jilanji | noun | |
jilba | noun | |
jilba-burra | noun | |
jilbar | noun | |
jilbar | noun | |
jiljay | noun | |
jilkurr | noun | |
jilnganji | - | No definition available |
jilnganji | noun | - near Spit Island, at the confluence of the Bloomfield River and Thompson Creek (place name)
jilngarr | noun | - headband made from seashells
jilngu | noun | |
jilngu | noun | - boney salmon, ox eye herring
jilu | adjective | - an animal that is a little fat
jilu-jilu | adjective | |
jimal | noun | |
jimal damal | transitive-verb | - to make fire with a fire stick
jimalili | noun | - mountain lizard. This lizard taught people how to use the firestick.
jimu | noun | |
jina | noun | |
jina-jina | noun | |
jinabiju | noun | |
jinabiju | noun | |
jinabu dungay | intransitive-verb | |
jinajina | noun | - water gum tree; this tree is good timber for woomeras (yalanji dialect)
jinali | noun | |
jinbal | adjective | |
jinbar | noun | |
jindal | noun | |
jindal | transitive-verb | - to bite and leave a puncture mark, as a snake bite or some dog bites.
jindi | noun | |
jingajalka | noun | - species of tree, also its edible fruit, which is small and elongated and plum-like with a large seed. The tree has bark out of which baskets can be made. It peels off easily then is put into the fire for a minute to soften, then it is bent and the ends tied to form a basket. It is used to cook with - hot stones can also be put in the water in it - and it was used to carry bones of the dead.
jingka-jingka | - | No definition available |
jingka-jingka | noun | - silverfish
- honey ant, the abdomen enlarges after eating
Jingka-Jingka | noun | - upper reaches of Roaring Meg River (place name)
jinil | noun | |
jinjajalka | noun | |
jinjay | noun | - poison nut tree. The nut is edible after roasting. The smoke is poisonous when roasting the nut. The bark and sap are poisonous, but water from cooked wattle tree bark will cure the poisoned skin.
jinjay | noun | - nut tree, poisonous fruit
jinjurri | noun | |
jinjurri | - | No definition available |
Jinjurri | noun | - Billygoat Creek (place name)
jinjurri-jinjurri | adjective | |
jinkalmu | noun | - brown snake or taipan (no distinction)
jinkalmu | noun | - taipan, brown snake. (These are not distinguished) Young boys were made to eat the eyes of a jinkalmu in order to make them kuliji, fierce, good fighters.
jinkarr | noun | - body of a dead person when it is carried in the dubal (bark coffin)
jinkurr | noun | - younger sister, relationship term
jirabay | noun | - ground lizard, larger than the blue-tongue lizard
jirakal | adjective | |
jiral-jiral | noun | |
jiral-jiral | adjective | |
jiray | adjective | |
jiri | noun | |
jiri bajaku | noun | |
jiri-warra | noun | |
jiri-wuran | - | No definition available |
jiri-wuran | noun | - upper reaches of the Bloomfield River (place name)
jirimali | noun | |
jirimandi | noun | - coconut, the tree and the fruit
jirimandi | noun | |
jirka | noun | |
jirra | adjective | - burnt, as food. Sometimes also the crust of bread.
jirra-bungal | transitive-verb | - to overcook, to burn the food
jirra-kangal | transitive-verb | - to taste, to upset someone, to stir him up
- to start a fire
- to start a motor
jirramar | noun | - chips, small sticks to start a fire
jirray | adjective | |
jirrbu-jirrbu | adjective | |
jirrburr | adjective | - meat with no fat, an animal in poor condition. (This kind of animal will not be eaten)
jirril | noun | - pubic hair on both man and woman
jirrkalinku | manner | - through, as through a gate.
jirrku | adjective | - the way you feel if someone talks bad about you
jirrkul | noun | |
jirrkumal | intransitive-verb | - complain, to chase, to cause to go away, as when a person or people are angry and make someone go away either by his running away or actually chasing him
jirrum | noun | |
jiwal-jiwal | noun | |
jiwawu | noun | |
jiway | noun | |
jiway | noun | - messenger night bird which carries the message. When you go somewhere, after you get there, you send a message back home by throwing fire.
jiwaymba | noun | |
Jiwaymba | noun | - below Stony Crossing in Daintree River (place name)
jiwukal | noun | |
Jiwukal | noun | - along Daintree River (place name)
jiwurrmal | noun | |
jiwurrmal | noun | - cuckoo pheasant (also called bulbululul)
jiwurru | noun | |
Jiwurru | noun | - somewhere up high between Romeo and Rossville (place name)
jiyuy | conujunction | |
jubil | transitive-verb | |
juburr | adjective | - experienced, expert, clever at something
judal | manner | |
judi | noun | - barramundi (yalanji) (nyungkul - murrabal)
jujabala | noun | - ironwood tree. The bark is burned to control thunderstorms, as is kangka, kanunjul and nganjirr
jujabala | noun | |
juju | noun | |
juju-juju dungay | intransitive-verb | |
juka | noun | - back of ankle, back of heel
- sugar
jukar | noun | |
jukar-jukarbina | noun | |
jukar-jukarbina | noun | |
jukar-warra | noun | |
jukijuki | noun | - chicken (english loan word)
juku | noun | - tree, wood of any size from tree down to splinter
juku-juku | noun | |
jukujuku | noun | - bronzewing dove. If the jukujuku sings out alone the people know that a stranger is coming or that someone may have died.
julaji | noun | - freshwater catfish (yalanji)
julaji | noun | - fresh water catfish (yalanji)
julay | noun | - Daintree (site of old bama camp)
julay | noun | |
julay | noun | - Aboriginal camp location along Daintree River
julay-warra | noun | |
julba | noun | |
julba | noun | |
julba-julba | noun | |
julbal | noun | - species with edible small green apple
julbal | noun | - species of tree and its fruit, a small edible green apple which becomes ripe in the wet season
julbarr | adjective | |
julbarr-warri | transitive-verb | - to slip (in fast speech, this is contracted to julbarrin)
julbi | noun | - guts, abdominal contents, lining of abdomen
julbi-dandi | adjective | - showoff, skiter, stubborn person, one who insists on doing what he wants
julbiji | noun | |
julbin | noun | |
julbin | noun | - species of scrub zemia. Edible when ground and leaved with water
juljal | noun | |
julkun | noun | - a belt of bark and hair wound around during mourning
julkurr | noun | - where Haachs used to live (place name)
julma | noun | |
julmba | noun | |
julmba | noun | |
julmbanu | noun | - grey kangaroo, a darker variety than mayarriji
julngkal | noun | |
julnji | noun | - tar from a tree used to make spears
julul | noun | - kind of oyster, larger than juwarru
julurr-julurr | noun | |
julurr-julurr | noun | - moomoo birds, night owl, night hawk
julurriji | intransitive-verb | |
julurril | transitive-verb | |
juma | time | |
juma-juma | time | |
jumar | noun | |
jumbay-jumbay | noun | |
jumbun | adjective | |
jumul-jumul | noun | - The grass seeds that get stuck in clothes, which come during the wet season
junbirr | noun | - small lizard. Common in leaves and grass before and durin wet season, with reddish markings on head
junda | noun | - wild plum which is poisonous and must be leached before eating
jundi | noun | - pumice stone, carborundum stone
jundul | noun | - wild plum (poisonous without leaching)
jundul | noun | - species of tree, bid round leaves, smooth bark
jungarr | noun | |
jungka | noun | - wild cherry (edible fruit)
jungka | noun | - wild cherry tree and its fruit
jungkalu | noun | |
jungkarril | transitive-verb | |
jungku | noun | |
jungu-jungu | noun | |
jungur | noun | |
jungur | - | No definition available |
jungur | noun | - the big hill at the east side of the mouth of the Bloomfield River. Collins Hill (place name)
junjun | noun | - species of wild fruit, ripe in March - May. During the junjun season, the scrub turkey, which normally lives in the high country, will come down to feed on them
junjuy | noun | - something, usually of no value
junjuy-junjuy | noun | |
junkali | adjective | |
junkan | noun | |
junkay | adjective | |
junkurr | noun | |
junkurr-janay | intransitive-verb | - bristling, ready to fight
- stand strongly, overcome
junkurr-murubuku | modifier | |
junkurrji | noun | |
junumundajin | intransitive-verb | |
junumundal | transitive-verb | |
juran | adjective | |
jurbu | noun | |
jurbuji | noun | |
juril | transitive-verb | |
juril-juril | noun | |
juril-juril | noun | |
jurra-jurra | adjective | |
jurrbil | adjective | |
jurrbu | noun | |
jurril | noun | |
jurril-bungal | transitive-verb | - to trick someone by lying by word or action
jurrilmal | intransitive-verb | |
jurriyam | noun | |
jurriyan | noun | |
jurrkiji | noun | - change direction, turn oneself
- repent
jurrkil | transitive-verb | - turn something, move something
jurrngaji | intransitive-verb | - to trip, as to trip over a stone
jurrngal | transitive-verb | |
jurru | noun | |
jurru-walay | adjective | - expert, good shooter or hunter
jurrubiji | noun | |
jurruja | noun | - trousers (english loan word)
juru | directional | |
juru-bawal | transitive-verb | - to discontinue following something
juru-kija | noun | - coconut grove where Biddle's Mission used to be (across from mill)
juru-kulbal | transitive-verb | - to lead. Can also be used in the sense of leading astray
juru-kulbaway | intransitive-verb | |
juru-manil | transitive-verb | |
juru-warri | transitive-verb | - to go after something to catch it
jurungu | noun | |
jurungu janbay-janbaji | intransitive-verb | - keep up (with him), stuck (with him) in the sense of moving along.
jurungu-jurungu | manner | |
jurungu-kija | noun | - area across the river from Middle Camp (place name)
jurungurr | noun | |
jururr-jururr | manner | |
juwa | time | |
juwal | noun | |
juwamalmal | adjective | - lethargic, as from sickness
juwarru | noun | - mud oyster. It is like a barnacle, only it clings to rock and mangroves. Smaller and flatter that julul.
juway | noun | - great grandfather
- nephew, niece. If you are a man, your sister's children are your wuway. if you are a woman, your brother's children are you juway
juwul | noun | - guts, abdominal contents (nyungkul)
kaba | noun | |
kaba-kada | noun | |
kaba-kada | noun | - Bailey's Creek. Also kulngku.
kababina | noun | - fresh water lily
- flora and fauna belonging to the rain forest area
kabal | noun | |
kabal | noun | - Leichardt tree and its fruit. The fruit is edible, it is small and round with small seeds. If you have a sore joint, boil the bark in water, rub the cooled water on the sore joint.
kaban | noun | |
kabari | noun | |
kabariji | noun | No definition available |
kabay | noun | |
kabi | - | No definition available |
kabi | noun | - Tributary Creek flowing into Thompson Creek
kabu | adjective | - rotten, bad or rotten smell.
Kabu | noun | - King's Plains swamp (place name)
kabul | noun | |
kabul | noun | |
kabuljaka | noun | - zebra striped water snake
kabuljaka | noun | - striped water snake, known as the zebra snake
kada-kada | noun | |
kadabal | intransitive-verb | |
kadan | noun | |
kadanji | noun | |
kadanji | noun | - black cockatoo (totem of the Dabu moiety) (Yalanji)
kadar | noun | |
kaday | transitive-verb | |
kadil | noun | - sharp sound or crashing sound, as of an axe cutting wood, or a tree falling
kadirangkal | noun | |
kaduy | noun | - snail, the small one around here at night
kajaka | manner | |
kajal | transitive-verb | |
kajamar | adjective | - two things in one, as twins joined together, as in the darka nut or kajamarkay which has two nuts in one shell
kajarrbi | noun | - clam shell, the giant clam
kajimarra | noun | - food which is ground up to make flour, i.e.e marra. Rolled in junjun leaves and left in water for several weeks, then ground and roasted
kajinbur | noun | - passionfruit (english loan word)
kajul | noun | |
kajul | noun | - species of mangrove. A lo9ng thin fruit which must be soaked in water to make it edible.
kaka | adjective | - sore, achey
- bad tasting food, as sour milk or too strong curry
- salt water, ocean water
kakaji | noun | |
kakaji | noun | - species of mangrove with a short thin fruit which becomes edible by leaching out the poison
kakan | noun | - the green upper part of the black palm tree from which the dilly bag is made
kakarr | noun | - grass
- blanket to lie on, not to put over you
- also used as year, i.e. kararr jambul "two years"
kakawarr | noun | |
kakawarri | manner | |
kaki | conjunction | |
kaku | noun | |
kala-babaji | transitive-verb | |
kala-balal | transitive-verb | - try something to see if it will be okay
kala-burra | adjective | |
kala-jalamal | intransitive-verb | |
kala-kalbay | direction | - far away, very long ways away
kalajarr | noun | |
kalal | noun | |
kalal-kalal | noun | |
kalal-kalal | noun | |
kalal-kalal | noun | |
Kalal-kalal | noun | - for the lower end of Kangkaji Harry Dick's place (place name)
kalbal | noun | - the mixture made from green ant larvae/pupae and eggs eaten for chest sickness and the common cold.
kalbali | adjective | |
kalbali | noun | |
kalbanbina | noun | |
kalbariji | noun | |
kalbariji | noun | |
kalbarr | noun | |
kalbarr | adjective | - together because of mutual interest
kalbarr-kajal | transitive-verb | |
kalbawurr | noun | - cypress pine pitch - poisonous
kalbay | adjective | |
kalbu | noun | |
kalbu | noun | |
kalburiji | noun | |
kali | noun | |
kalin-kalin | noun | |
kalin-kalin | noun | - kestral hawk, totem of dabu moiety. He taught the people to do the corroboreee.
kalirrr | noun | |
kaliway | noun | - lower end of Emogin (story site, big footprint)
Kaliway | noun | - near Cape Tribulation (place name) (story site, big footprint)
kaljan | noun | |
kaljil | transitive-verb | |
kalka | noun | - fishing spear, also generic term for spear
kalkajaka | noun | - Black Mountains (also the caves there)
Kalkajaka | noun | - caves near Black mountains, also Black Mountains
kalkamal | noun | - a locust in the mountains which tells when to collect turkey eggs
- the time to collect the eggs (event)
kalkamuku | noun | |
kalkamuku | noun | |
kalkandiji | intransitive-verb | - stuck, welded or glued together. Also the name for sticky plaster.
- hang on
kalkandil | transitive-verb | - to tighten, to jam something in
kalkarrumbarr | noun | - species of lizard 8-10 feet long which plays a part in one of the legends
kalki | adjective | - undeveloped, green, unripe
kalkil | adjective | - salty water, as in the sea or in a tidal river
kalkuri | noun | |
kalkuri | noun | - woolly butt, Malaleuca gum
kalkurr | noun | |
kalkuy | noun | |
kalkuy | noun | |
kalmbakay | noun | |
Kalmbakay | noun | - upper reaches of Daintree River
kalmbangarr | noun | |
kalmnbagarr | noun | |
kalnga | noun | - mothers brother (relationship term)
- great grandson (relationship term)
kalngar | noun | - a person who commits adultery
- the trouble that comes to a village or home because of a person, man or woman, who is always committing adultery and so disrupting normal home life
kalngar-baka | noun | - a person who is continually making trouble because of his or licentiousness
kalngkan | noun | |
kalngkan | noun | |
kalngkan-damal | - | No definition available |
kalngkan-damal | noun | - upper reaches of Thompson Creek (place name)
kalu | noun | |
kalu | noun | |
kalumba | noun | |
kama | noun | |
kamay | noun | |
kamba | noun | - old woman. Now sometimes called wulbuman, which is an English loan word
kambal | noun | |
kambal-kambal | noun | |
kambanmu | noun | - cross-cousin (relationship term) (Children of my mother's brother or of my father's sister)
kambar | noun | |
kambarr | noun | - the liquid which drops from a corpse
kambi | noun | |
kambirkambin | noun | |
kami | noun | - grandfather (relationship term) (father's father)
- grandmother (relationship term) (mother's mother)
kaminjarr | noun | - grandchild - daughter's child
kamu | noun | |
kamu-kamu | noun | - strong drink, usually beer
kana | noun | |
kana-baykal | intransitive-verb | |
kanbal | noun | |
kanban | manner | |
kanbil | transitive-verb | - to block, put in the way of
kandal | noun | |
kandarr | noun | |
kanga-dajil | transitive-verb | - to take someone's place/job
kangal | transitive-verb | |
kangka | noun | - wild grape, used for stomach disorders. Also used for the control of thunder storms, as is nganjirr and jujabala and kanunjul.
Kangkaji | noun | - First bay south of Bloomfield River along coast
kangkal | noun | - one's own child; son, daughter
kangkiji | noun | |
kangkiji | noun | |
kangku | noun | - low gap in mountain, mountain pass
kangkul | noun | |
kangkul kulbal | transitive-verb | |
kanjal | noun | - mate, one who is with you so you will not be alone
kanka | noun | |
kankar | noun | |
kankur | manner | |
kanunjul | noun | - resin of grass tree, used to make pitch to seal spear bindings. Also used in the control of thunder storms, as is nganjirr and jujabala and kangka. Kanunjul is also used to smoke the inside of a house after the owner dies.
kanya | noun | |
kanyaji | noun | - freshwater catfish (nyungkul) (yalanji - julaji) Sometimes called walarrji, "with whiskers"
kanyaji | noun | - fresh water catfish (nyungkul)
kanyil | noun | - curse song. It is sung by one person against another who has seriously wronged him, i.e. stolen his wife. These songs are greatly feared, and act as a deterrent against wrongdoing.
karangaji | intransitive-verb | |
karangal | intransitive-verb | - sneak around to see, reconnoiter
karangkal | adjective | |
kari | negative | - negative, no
- negative
- conjunction meaning but or however
- in discourse, on the paragraph level used to indicate a change of focus
karida | negative | |
kariku | negative | |
karikuda | negative | |
kariyirrku | negative | |
karkunbay | noun | |
karra | noun | |
karrambil | noun | |
karranda | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
karrandal | noun | - species of tree with leaves which are white underneath and when crushed are good for boils
karrangkal | noun | |
karraway | noun | |
karrbal | transitive-verb | - to catch, grab, touch, arrest
karrirrangkal | noun | |
karrkay | adjective | |
karrkay | noun | - small one, child, young one
karrkil | noun | - red jumper ant. Some people have gotten sick and comited after being bitten by them.
karrkurr | noun | |
karrmbil | noun | |
karrmbil | noun | |
karrngka | noun | - a hole in something, as in a board or a dress, or a crack in a house
karruku | noun | |
karrul | noun | |
karrulbu | - | No definition available |
Karrulbu | noun | - Roaring Meg Falls area (story site)
karrulji | noun | |
karrulji | noun | |
karu-bunday | noun | - a woman who is in love with someone
karu-kumbo | noun | - top end of Watermelon Creek
Karu-kumbu | noun | - headwaters of Granite Creek, the Bloomfield side of Romeo (place name)
karul-karul | noun | |
Karulkumba | noun | - near Watermelon Creek (place name)
karunkurr | noun | |
kawa | noun | - little ants, white or black
kawal | noun | - a shout, cooee, not far away
kawal badi | intransitive-verb | |
kawar | noun | |
kawarr | noun | |
kawarr | noun | - species of bloodwood tree
kaway | noun | |
Kaway | noun | - second bay south of the Bloomfield River on the coast
kawku | exclamation | - expression of delight on the arrival of a visitor (spoken with rising intonation on the second syllable)
kawu | noun | |
kawunjil | noun | - black cherry (edible fruit)
kawunjil | noun | - species of tree and its fruit, a small edible black cherry, very sweet. Ripe in wet season.
kaya | noun | |
kaya-kaya | noun | |
kayal | adjective | - undeveloped, green, unripe
- raw
kayamuku | noun | - felt hat (literally the back of a dog)
kayiji | intransitive-verb | - getting hooked
- charm (idioom)
kayil | transitive-verb | - to hook with a hook spear
- to charm, fascinate
kayjurr | noun | |
kayjurr | noun | |
kaykay-kaykay | noun | |
kaykay-kaykay | noun | - children (contraction of karrkay-karrkay)
kidal | transitive-verb | - sweep, remove, wipe
- clean an animal - to remove the insides
kidi-wanarri | intransitive-verb | |
kija | noun | |
kija | - | No definition available |
kija | noun | - moon
- Roaring Meg Falls (site of moon story)
kijar-kijar | noun | - numb feeling
- discoloured skin where skin is a little lighter in colour in places, usually from untreated ringworm
kiji-kijiyal | transitive-verb | |
kiju | noun | |
kijukum | noun | |
kijukum | noun | |
kilaja | noun | - mirror (english loan word from glass)
kilbal | transitive-verb | |
kilili | noun | |
kilki | adjective | - alert, on guard (for yourself), keep an eye on someone, watch out
kilkirr | noun | |
kilkirr | noun | |
kima | adjective | |
kima-kima | adjective | - easy crossing of water, water isn't rushing as during a floor
kimil | noun | |
kinbal | transitive-verb | |
kinga | noun | |
kinga-dungay | intransitive-verb | - kind of a shocked feeling, get goose pimples, hair stands up
kinga-dungay-manil | - | - to sneeer at, mock, make someone feel ashamed
kingal | noun | |
kingal | noun | - river oak, she oak. Type of pine along beach.
kingkin-kingkin | adjective | - amusing, cute, said of a baby when admiring him
kinkay | intranstive-verb | |
kira | noun | - female, used only for baby girls
kira-kira | noun | |
kiray | adjective | |
kiraynjaku | manner | |
kirbaji | noun | |
kiriji | intransitive-verb | |
kiril | transitive-verb | |
kirraji | intransitive-verb | |
kirrbay | noun | |
kiru | noun | - brains
- grease, marrow, drippings from animal fat
kiru-kari | adjective | - dull, stupid, insane, silly
kiway | noun | |
kiway-kiway | adjective | |
kuban | noun | |
kubananji | noun | |
kubarr | noun | - big black freshwater eelfish
kubarr | noun | - big black fresh water eel
kubarru | noun | |
kubi | - | No definition available |
Kubi | noun | - below the Roaring Meg Falls (place name)
Kubidada | noun | - below the Roaring Meg Falls (place name)
kubija | noun | |
kubija | noun | |
kubirr-kubirr | noun | - black and red seeds which are threaded to make a wankarr (necklace)
kubu | noun | |
kubu-kubu | noun | |
kuburrubun | noun | |
kuda | question | - question word (nyungkal) (yalanji - yala)
kudamundu | direction | |
kudamundu kulbal | transitive-verb | |
kudi | noun | |
kuja | noun | - species of small stingless bee, and its honey. The nests are found in the ground.
kujan | adjective | |
kuji-kuji | noun | - species of tree species of bloodwood
kuji-kuji | noun | - species of bloodwood tree
kujil | transitive-verb | |
kujiway | noun | |
kujuway | noun | |
kujuway | noun | |
kuku | noun | - news
- the talk or language of a place
kuku jurrkiji baj | intransitive-verb | |
kuku nyajil | transitive-verb | - to know without seeing or hearing
kuku wambal | transitive-verb | |
Kuku Waybul | noun | |
kuku yaral | noun | |
kuku-baka | noun | - chatterbox, someone who is continually talking
Kuku-Bidiji | noun | - dialect of the people of the ground around Maytown
Kuku-Buyunji | noun | - used by speakers to refer to a dialect not their own
Kuku-Jalunji | noun | - dialect of the coastal people, which includes the Bloomfield area
Kuku-Nyungkul | noun | - the talk of the people originally around Rossville and Shipton's Flats.
Kuku-Yalanji | noun | - literally "talk of this place", now used to refer to the dialect and people of the China Camp-Daintree area. (also the generic name for all the dialects and people from Cooktown to Mossman)
kukujida | noun | - said of a child who has just learned to talk. Literally "has talk now" "news mouth"
kukuni | noun | - the big spear used for spearing turtle, used as a harpoon
kukur | noun | |
kulal | noun | - a mother who loses a child through death
kulay | noun | |
kulbal | noun | |
kulbal | transitive-verb | |
kulbanmuku | noun | - axe, originally a stone axe
kulbar | noun | - silky maple (yellow maple timber)
kulbar | noun | - white beech, silky maple, yellow maple timbers
kulbawurr | noun | - the resin gum of the cypress pine which is poisonous. It was used on spears in the old days, the effect lasts about two hours.
kulbul | adjective | |
kuli | noun | |
kuli-baka | noun | - a person who is always fighting, always angry
kuli-kangal | transitive-verb | |
kuliji | noun | |
kulil | noun | |
kuljan | noun | - sound made from drumming water. (This is done by percussion, the half-closed hand striking water.)
kulji | noun | - pebbles, small stones
- coins, money. This is going out of use.
kulka | adjective | |
kulki | noun | |
kulki | noun | |
Kulki | noun | - Cape Tribilation (place name)
kulmba-kulmba | noun | - gecko, small house lizard
kulngku | noun | |
kulngku | noun | |
Kulngku | noun | - Bailey's Creek. Also Kaba-kada
kulngkul | adjective | |
kulngu | noun | |
kulngurbu | noun | - Coconut grove near mouth of creek
Kulngurbu | noun | - the coconut grove near the mouth of the Creek at Ngamujin Beach (place name)
kulngurk | noun | |
kulu | adjective | |
kuludu | noun | |
kuludu | noun | |
kulun | adjective | |
kulur | adjective | |
kulurrin | noun | |
kumarkaji | noun | |
Kumarkaji | noun | - near China Camp (story of Amazon women)
kumbamu | noun | |
kumbir | adjective | |
kumbu | noun | |
kumin | noun | |
kumin | noun | - species of fig tree with edible fruit. The fruit looks like an eyeball, it is ripe in August - October.
kumul | noun | |
kumurbina | noun | - black cockatoo (nyungkul)
kumurbina | noun | - black cockatoo (nyungkul) (yalanji - kadanji)
kumurr | noun | - The autumn time of the year when so many flowers are in bloom.
kumuy | noun | - fluorescence under water (salt water), as behind a boat in the water at night
kuna | noun | |
kuna | adjective | |
Kuna | noun | - Shipton's Flat (place name)
kuna-bungal | transitive-verb | - to join something to something, i.e. to tie something to something else.
kunarangkal | time | |
kunbay-manil | transitive-verb | |
kunbayn | intransitive-verb | |
kunbu | noun | - a big day, celebration, as a dance, race meeting or corraborree
kundur-kundur | noun | |
kundurr | noun | |
kundurr | noun | |
kundurr-kundurr | noun | |
kungkarr | direction | - north along the coastl also used to refer to Cooktown
kungkun | noun | - carpet snake, North Queensland python (no distinction)
kungkun | noun | |
kungkurr | adjective | - pop-eyed, eyes open wide, eyes bulging out.
kunil | transitive-verb | |
kuniway | intransitive-verb | - to fight with fists or sticks, hitting each other
kunja | noun | |
kunjal | transitive-verb | |
kunjarri | noun | |
kunjarri | noun | - species of palm tree. The bark can be used to make containers for cooking. The inside of the upper trunk of small ones is edible.
kunji | noun | |
kunji-damaji | intransitive-verb | |
kunjin | noun | |
kunjirr | adjective | - cleansed from a dead person's spirit. To make a person's things unusable again after death, they must be warmed or smoked - passed through smoke or waving smoking bark all around and inside it
kunju | adjective | - lame, cripple
- mentally ill
kunjuri | noun | |
kunka | manner | |
kunkun | noun | - periwinkle, flat shellfish with a smooth shell
kunkun-bungal | transitive-verb | |
Kunkunbuku | noun | - mountain and river flowing from mountain. This mountain is where the wild dogs stay. (wild dog legend, Shiption's Flat-Jubilee area)
kunukunu | adjective | - fat in food or fatty meat
kunyurrimba | noun | |
Kunyurrimba | noun | - a sharp corner in the upper reaches of Daintree River (place name)
kurajan | noun | - turtle spear point (yalanji) (nyungkul - biyul)
kural | noun | |
kuralbi | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
kuralbi | noun | - species of tree and its fruit - wild peasun. The bark from this tree was used to make rope. Two long strands were twisted together and used for turtle rope. It was very strong.
kuran | noun | - larva of case moth, edible. Found in green wood.
kuray-kuray | noun | |
kuraykuray | noun | |
kurburrubun | noun | |
kuri | noun | |
kurkumbay | noun | |
kurkunbay | noun | - butcherbird, stockwhip bird
kurmba | noun | - a woman who has very recently given birth to a baby
kurmba-kurmba | noun | - slippery lizard
- the mythological person who was the husband of ngalba-bulal, the two sisters of Mt. Peter Botte. He was the husband of babarr, the older sister, but wanted the younger one.
kurmun | noun | |
kurndal | intransitive-verb | |
kurrajan | noun | - a spear point made from wattle and used for turtle spearing. it was put in the fire until it was hard enough to pierce through a turtle shell.
kurran | noun | |
kurranday | noun | |
kurranday | noun | |
kurranji | noun | |
kurranji | noun | |
Kurraybaja | noun | - coconut grove across the river from the mill
kurrbal | noun | |
kurrbal | noun | - plain turkey (native companion)
kurrbar | noun | |
kurrbar-buyun | noun | - a person having no friends, poor, no one to help
kurrbi | noun | - southwards (story site of wind)
Kurrbi | noun | - cave between Kaway and Kangkaji (story site)
kurrburrbun | noun | |
kurrburrubun | noun | |
kurrburrubun | noun | |
kurri-kurri | noun | |
kurri-kurri | noun | - storm bird
- giant mythical bird
- very tall person
kurrija | noun | |
kurrinkurrin | noun | |
kurriyala | noun | |
kurriyala | noun | |
kurrka-juri | intransitive-verb | - a fight between two men over a woman
kurrka-wabaji | intransitive-verb | - to look back, as on the trail
kurrkal | noun | |
kurrkal-warri | intransitive-verb | |
kurrma | noun | |
kurrmaja | noun | |
kurrmbal | noun | - species of cicada or locusts
kurrmil | noun | - part of something, a part
kurru-jindal | transitive-verb | |
kurru-jindaway | intransitive-verb | |
kurru-kurru | adjective | |
kurruba | noun | - species of freshwater fish
kurrubal | noun | |
kurrubijal | noun | |
kurrujuwa | noun | |
kurrujuwa | noun | - sentry bird which warns of crocodiles along the banks of the river. Totem of both the dabu and walarr
kurrul | noun | - cicatrice, tribal marks
- wrinkles, as on forehead or on a newborn baby's side
kurrun | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
kurrun | noun | |
kurruy | noun | |
kurruy | noun | |
kuru | noun | - woman's affection/love/lust to a man
- grub found in dry grass tree
kuru-baka | noun | - a woman who is always falling in love
kurubarr | noun | - species of mangrove with a long round seed
kurungka | noun | |
kurunkal | noun | |
kurunkal | noun | - species of mangrove with a long round seed
kururrungka | noun | |
kuwa | direction | - north and inland from the coast, north-west
kuwimbur | noun | |
kuwimbur yirrkay | intransitive-verb | |
kuwinkan | noun | |
kuwinyu | noun | - posterior (not a rude term)
kuya | noun | |
kuya-bungal | transitive-verb | - make fun of, tease in fun, make a joke
kuyaji | noun | - funny person, thing, or happening, joker
kuyalin | noun | - small conical shellfish, used for bait
kuyan | noun | - war spear with quartz head
kuyi | noun | |
kuyir | noun | |
kuyir | noun | |
kuyu | noun | |
kuyu wali-yindu-wali-yindu | - | No definition available |
landin | - | No definition available |
landin | - | No definition available |
landin | - | No definition available |
landin | noun | - the Aboriginal camp at Thompson Creek. (english loan word, from landing)
ma | exclamation | - shows mild surprise, something like English 'oh'
mabal | noun | |
mabarr | noun | - war (aboriginals fighting with spears)
mabarrba | - | No definition available |
Mabarrba | noun | - the turn off to Main Camp above the Zig-zag
mabil | noun | |
madja | noun | - scrub, jungle, rain forest
madu | noun | |
madu | noun | |
maja | noun | - boss (english loan word, from master)
majal | transitive-verb | |
majamal-majamal | intransitive-verb | |
majarr | noun | - lazy, no good for hunting or working, used to refer to both dogs and people
maji | noun | - matches (english loan word)
majin | adjective | |
makaji | noun | |
makal | noun | |
makarr | noun | |
makarra | noun | |
makirr | noun | |
maku | directional | |
maku walimal | intransitive-verb | |
maku-janay | intransitive-verb | |
maku-nyajil | transitive-verb | |
maku-nyajiway | intransitive-verb | |
maku-warri | intransitive-verb | |
maku-wukurril | transitive-verb | |
maku-yungal | transitive-verb | |
makuku-bawal | transitive-verb | - change directions so you don't meet someone
makul-makul | noun | - tar, or something black as tar or bitumen
mala | adjunction | |
mala bajaku | adjective | |
mala-bayan | noun | |
mala-burri | noun | |
mala-kural | noun | |
mala-kuyu | noun | |
mala-lorry | noun | |
mala-minya | noun | |
mala-nganyi | noun | - good at it, (anything), clever
mala-yarraman | noun | |
mala-yirrkay | intransitive-verb | - admit, confess, tell the truth
malabayi | noun | |
malajakuy | noun | |
Malajakuy | noun | - the point between Kangkiji and Kaway. Jibul (bat) story is about this cave.
malaji | adjective | |
malal | noun | - spider and spider web
- life force. That which belongs to the body which is burned at a dead person's burning ceremony
malar | noun | |
malar dungay | intransitive-verb | |
malari | noun | |
malarmalar | noun | - hairy or lumpy surface, pimples
malbin | noun | - leg between knee and thigh
mali | noun | |
malka-malka | noun | - a bad spirit, which goes through walls and comes around when a person has been killed by a dambunji
malkarri | noun | - corroboree when someone dies
malnkurr | noun | |
malurri | noun | |
malurri | noun | |
mama | noun | - mother (english loan word)
mamarra | noun | - two, joined together but not a pair. This is not used anymore except by old people.
mamarramaniji | intransitive-verb | |
mambarril | transitive-verb | - force
- give over to, turn over to
- report something bad, to tell on, to gossip about
- allow
mana | transitive-verb | - the command form of the verb "get"
manbir | noun | |
manda | noun | - if you are a woman, younger brother's children. If you are a man, younger sister's children (relationship term)
mandi | noun | - moiety or subsection of the tribe
mandi-mandi | noun | - honeycomb. When your husband or child dies you put this into your hair
mandurr | noun | |
mangkalba | noun | |
Mangkalba | noun | |
mangkurr-mangkurr | noun | |
mangkurr-mangkurr | noun | |
mangkurru | noun | - mangrove (english loan word)
manil | transitive-verb | |
manjal | noun | |
manji | noun | |
manu | manner | |
manu | noun | |
manu-burray | adjective | |
manu-damal | transitive-verb | |
manu-kalkaji | noun | |
manubaja | noun | |
manubaja-bungal | transitive-verb | |
manubu wudil | transitive-verb | |
manubu-damal | transitive-verb | |
manubu-wundil | transitive-verb | |
manukurru | noun | |
manun-manun | adjective | |
manyarr | noun | |
manyarrinyu | noun | |
manyi | noun | - summit between Bloomfield and Rossville (sea view)
Manyi | noun | - where Main Roads camp was, near the summit of the Bloomfield-Helenvale Road (place name)
mara | noun | |
mara mulunman | intransitive-verb | - clenched fist, closed fingers
mara-barin | adjective | - one who takes things and doesn't put them back
mara-bawan | transitive-verb | - to intend to steal something, but someone came so he had to leave it behind and couldn't take it
mara-dajil | transitive-verb | - help. From English 'give a hand'
mara-dakal | intransitive-verb | |
mara-duray | adjective | - clever with the bands, steal something sneak something
mara-jalajala | adjective | |
mara-kunbay | intransitive-verb | |
mara-muna | adjective | |
mara-waban-wabaji | adjective | - always busy, always working
mara-warri | intransitive-verb | |
maraji | intransitive-verb | |
marakal | noun | |
maral | noun | - young girl, unmarried girl
maral-maral | noun | |
maramba | noun | |
maramba | noun | - near Watermelon Creek (place name)
marangaku | - | No definition available |
Marangaku | noun | - on Main Camp trail (place name) (story site)
mararr | noun | - cloth. Originally a sail made of plaited palm leaves.
maraymbaja | - | No definition available |
marbaji | noun | |
marbaji | noun | |
marbaymba | noun | - Rattlesnake Point (story site)
marbaymba | noun | - Rattlesnake Point and Fritz Creek (story site)
Marbaymba | noun | - Rattlesnake point and the ground around there, also the taboo place up Fritz Creek (story site)
mari | adjective | - Aboriginal. English loan word (from English outback slang) (In modern terms some people may also know as indiginous or first nations) Also could be spelt murray, murry, murri. (Also relevant to far north Queensland, not just the Bloomfield area)
mari doctor | noun | |
marku | noun | |
marngkil | noun | |
marngkil | noun | |
marra | noun | |
marra | noun | - zemia tree and the zemia nut which is roasted, ground and leaced to make flour
- wing
marra-warri | intransitive-verb | |
marra-warril | intransitive-verb | - to be in a real bad temper, temper tantrum, picking up things and throwing them
- to go somewhere (just children, not adults) thoughtlessly, not thinking of the danger
marrabal | noun | |
marrabal | noun | |
marrakan | noun | |
marrakan | noun | - dugout canoe made of red cedar wood
marral | adjective | |
Marralin | noun | |
marrbal | noun | |
marri | time | |
marri-marri | noun | |
marril | noun | |
marril | noun | - species of mangrove, with apple-like seed only much bigger. The wood is hard and is good for making oars.
marriman | intransitive-verb | |
marrka | noun | - calm sea
- salt pan, where salt water has been
marrkabina | noun | |
marrkin | noun | |
marrkin-marrkin | noun | |
marrku | noun | - edible wild cherry which has two or three seeds in each fruit. It grows on lows by the beach and has a shiny leaf. (english - native cherry)
maru-maru | manner | - with nothing, without any, empty
marubu | noun | |
marun-marun | adjective | |
Marurmbu | noun | |
mawal | noun | |
mawar | noun | - the vine of the lawyer cane. Also user to refer to braces.
mawu | noun | - a coarse grass used in the making of dilly bags
mawul | noun | |
mawul | noun | - small variety of freshwater eel. Only old people were allowed to eat it.
mawurmbu | noun | |
maya | noun | - a species of clinging plant or vine
mayal | noun | |
mayarriji | noun | - sub-species of grey kangaroo, lighter in colour than the "julmbanu"
mayi | noun | - vegetable food or fruit
- generic term for food, whether vegetable or protein
midir | noun | |
midir | noun | - knight fish, sometimes known as the port and light fish
mijan | noun | |
mijiji | noun | - white woman. English loan from "Missus"
mijinan | noun | |
Mijinan | noun | - where the bridge is over Wallabay Creek (place name)
milbal | noun | |
milbanku | noun | - pencil cedar. The skin of the seed is edible.
milbar | noun | - generic term for shell
- nautilus shell
- button
milbarakal | noun | |
milbarkal | noun | - milbarkal (english name unknown)
milbayarr | noun | |
milbayarr | - | No definition available |
Milbayarr | noun | - woomera
- used in mixed company when referring to a man's penis
milbija | noun | |
Milbija | noun | - along upper reaches of Daintree, between bubu Jiwulkal and Jangkarra
milbil | transitive-verb | - to show or tell something
- introduce
mili | noun | |
mili | noun | - stinging tree
- jellyfish (because they also burn)
milka | noun | - ear. Many idioms are compounded with "milka" as the base
milka dudu | adjective | |
milka jalkinba wunay | intransitive-verb | - can't sleep because of something on the mind
milka kaka | noun | |
milka kari | adjective | |
milka ngabal | transitive-verb | - sentence, as in court
- remind
milka nyajil | transitive-verb | |
milka-bakal | transitive-verb | |
milka-binalku | associative | |
milka-bujar | adjective | - homesick, lonely, sad, worried
milka-burray | adjective | |
milka-dalkay | intransitive-verb | |
milka-dalkay-manil | transitive-verb | |
milka-daray | intransitive-verb | |
milka-janay | intransitive-verb | |
milka-manil | transitive-verb | |
milka-marri | adjective | |
milka-murruji | adjective | No definition available |
milka-wulay | intransitive-verb | |
milkabu baykal | transitive-verb | |
milkabu dumbarril | transitive-verb | |
milkabu manil | transitive-verb | |
milkabu nyajil | transitive-verb | |
milkabu wukurril | transitive-verb | |
milkaji | noun | |
milkaji | noun | |
milkaji | noun | |
milkanga-bungal | transitive-verb | - remind, also used for explain
milkanga-kaday | intransitive-verb | No definition available |
milkanyajiji | intransitive-verb | No definition available |
milkul | noun | |
milman | noun | |
milman | noun | |
milmarr | noun | |
minday | adjective | - tame, quiet, brace, not afraid of or shy of, confident.
mindil | noun | |
mingki-janay | intransitive-verb | - squat, crouch. People fighting squat down so you cannot hit them with your spear, or when camping out, crouch down all night because of the rain (can't lie down because it is too wet)
mingu | noun | - the hook of the woomera that enters the end of the spear
mingur | noun | |
mingur | noun | - oil nut tree. The fruit is like a small green apple, which when roasted in the fire, turns black. The black is rubbed on the hand and then on the hair to beautify it.
mini | adjective | - correct, as a correct marriage according to tribal laws
mini-mini | adjective | |
minjal | transitive-verb | - to keep/save food for someone
minji | noun | No definition available |
minjin-damal | transitive-verb | - tidy up, make neat, straighten out.
minya | noun | - meat, eggs (protein food)
- generic term for animal
miral | noun | |
mirrba | noun | - a wooden instrument to help throw spears more powerfully. This was used as an instrument of defence. After being found guilty, a man used to be given a woomera with which to ward off the spears thrown by a group of men. The aim was not to kill except for a capital offence. also rifle
mirrbangku | noun | |
mirrbangku | noun | - pencil cedar. The fruit is the shape of a date and very sweet.
mirrbi | noun | |
mirrimar | noun | |
mirrimbal | noun | - cockatoo crest
- the name of a hat made from cockatoo feathers. To make the hat, the feathers of the cockatoo are mixed with bees wax and the hat is used in ceremonies.
mirrki | noun | |
mirrku | noun | - kidney bird, totem of the dabu moiety
mirru | noun | |
miyil | noun | - species with poisonous sap
miyil | noun | - eye
- species of tree, which has poisonous sap used to blind fish. You wrap orange seed in grass to keep the sap from touching your skin and the eyes of people, then smash under water.
miyil kabanji | adjective | |
miyil kari | adjective | |
miyil-burra | adjective | |
miyil-dandi | adjective | - one who stares, looks hard, concentrates
miyil-dungay | intransitive-verb | |
miyil-duray | adjective | - person who pretends he is not observing, but really does
miyil-janay | intransitive-verb | |
miyil-nandaji | intransitive-verb | - pray (literally to close your eyes)
miyil-wurril | adjective | |
miyilabu | noun | |
miyilabu | noun | - species of mangrove. It has a poisonous sap which makes people blind.
miyilda kujil | transitive-verb | |
miyilji bunday | intransitive-verb | |
miyilkura | noun | |
mudaka | noun | - motor car (english loan word)
mudu | noun | |
mudu wayjul | time | - the time just before daylight, pre-dawn
muja | noun | |
muja | noun | - wound not yet healed
- Watermelon Creek (place name)
muja-muja | adjective | - rotten, easily broken, decayed wood or cloth
mujal | transitive-verb | |
mujarr | noun | |
mujarr | noun | - species of fig tree and its fruit, which is edible, and is like a very small apple - ripe in August to October. It is red when ripe, grows out of the trunk of the tree.
mujarrka | noun | |
mujarrka | noun | - archer fish (yalanji) (nyungkul - dalku)
- spotted Jewfish, fresh and saltwater, in King's Plains rivers
muji | noun | - name given to a person who has spear marks on him
mujurr | noun | - witchetty grub found in rotting wood
muka walimal | intransitive-verb | |
mukay | noun | - relationship term, mother's older sister, father's older brother
mukirr | noun | - mussel. Found in fresh and brackish water. There are many up the Daintree near Bairds, some up Granite Creek. Has to be cleaned from the black stuff that tastes like tobacco. First roast it, then clean the "ear" out, then boil it or else eat it right away without boiling
muku | noun | |
muku balmbarriji | intransitive-verb | |
muku-duku | noun | |
muku-muku | manner | |
mukukana | noun | - species of tree (with edible fruit)
mukukanka | noun | - species of tree and its edible fruit - becomes ripe in August-September.
mukul | noun | |
mukurr-mukurr | adjective | - brackish, just when tide comes up into river
mula | noun | |
mula wanarri | intransitive-verb | |
mula-mula | adjective | - red colour (yalanji) (nyungkul - ngala ngala)
mulaji | noun | |
mulawajarr | noun | - star (yalanji) (nyungkul - dawar)
muliku | noun | - Annan River area (between the Annan and the Bloomfield turnoff)
Muliku | noun | - the other side of the Annan River bridge toward Cooktown, where the old bridge is underneath, cement on top
mulka-warri | intransitive-verb | |
mulkal-mulkal | noun | - totem. This word spoken with a rising intonation is an enquiry into a person's secret life.
- state of mind to fight for no reason. The father of an unborn child becomes angry at a mate and he will hit the mate at slightest pretense. This is then a sign that his wife is pregnant. Can also be anyone who fights for no reason. This is also a sign someone is pregnant
- the spirit being who keeps a snake from biting a pregnant woman
mulkay | noun | - fetish
- an article with supernatural powers
mulkay-warri | intransitive-verb | - content, happy, good feeling inside
mulma | noun | |
mulngku | noun | |
mulujin | noun | |
Mulujin | noun | |
mulumu | noun | - dove
- wood used in a sacred corroboree
mulumunji | noun | |
mulun | adjective | |
mumal | transitive-verb | - to throw a spear with a woomera
mumbal | transitive-verb | - to insert, to place inside something, as to insert a part in an engine
mumbar | adjective | - proper, correct, careful, alert
muna | adjective | - quiet, brave, not afraid, confident (used to describe someone who asks for things, not being shy)
- tame, as a tame pig
mungari | noun | |
mungari | noun | |
mungka | noun | |
mungka-dirka | noun | |
Mungka-dunja | noun | |
mungka-dunju | noun | |
mungka-mungka | noun | - small tree with thorns on branches
mungka-mungka | adjective | - hairy, having a lot of hair
mungka-mungka | noun | - little tree with thorns on branches
mungkil | transitive | |
munji | noun | |
munju | noun | - forehead (yalanji) (nyungkul - yiman)
munju-dandi | adjective | |
munju-jubal | noun | - Shpton's Flat area (near the fork of Grasstree Creek)
Munjujubal | noun | - ground near fork of Grasstree Creek (Shipton's Flat area) (place name)
munjurr | noun | |
munudumbun | noun | |
munungkul | noun | |
munwingkul | noun | - species of dove (ground pigeon)
munwingkul | noun | |
munyun | noun | |
munyurri | noun | |
munyurri | noun | |
mura | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
mura | noun | - species of tree. When this is in bloom it is time for minya jalan.
murba | adjective | - close fitting, tightly built, patched up
murbuy | noun | |
murma | noun | - small paper wasp, yellow in colour with a bad sting. Its nest hangs in trees.
murniji | transitive-verb | - to turn around, to go around in circles (as when lost)
murnil | transitive-verb | |
murrabal | noun | - barramundi (yalanji) (nyungkul kudi)
murraja | noun | |
murraja | noun | |
murral | noun | - tree kangaroo (yalanji) (nyungkul - jarrabina)
murramu | noun | |
murrangkal | noun | - fighting spear (shovelhead), made from black palm
murrbun | noun | |
murrka | noun | - scar, scab, initiation marks. Not an open wound
murrkul | noun | - species with edible fruit
murrkul | noun | - species of tree with edible fruit, two seeds one above the other, round like an apple. Ripe August - October
murrmun | noun | |
murrngal | transitive-verb | - to break off twigs or small branches to harvest fruit from a tree
murru | adjective | - round
- spoken of animals or plants folding up when interfered with, i.e. sensitive weed
murru-kaday | intransitive-verb | - to become ashamed, shy, bashful
murru-kaday-manil | transitive-verb | |
murru-kangal | intransitive-verb | |
murru-kangaway | intransitive-verb | |
murru-murru | adjective | |
murruji | manner | |
murrumu | noun | |
murrumun | noun | |
murrunkal | adjective | |
muru | adjective | |
muru-bungal | transitive-verb | |
muru-muru | adjective | |
murun | noun | |
mururr-mururr | adjective | |
muwul | noun | |
muwul | manner | - secretly, quietly
- between Tribulation and Bailey's creek
Muwunbu | noun | - the tableland the other side of Rossville (place name)
muya | noun | |
muya | noun | |
muyar | noun | |
muyu | noun | |
muyu wayjul | transitive-verb | - singeing the hair of the pig before cooking
muyu-muyu | noun | |
muyul-muyul | adjective | - funny, creepy feeling, like you have when something is crawling on you, nervous, a special feeling against.
muyurr | noun | - umbrella part of umbrella palm
naka | direction | - south and east; south along the coast used in referring to Cairns or Brisbane
Naka wawabajaburr wujal-wujaldarr | - | No definition available |
naka-naka | direction | - across, over, the other side of
nakawarra | noun | |
nala-nala | noun | |
nalmbarriji wunay | intransitive-verb | |
nalmbarril | transitive-verb | |
nambarr | noun | - stick of flexible bamboo used in nose piercing
nambil-nambil | noun | |
Nambil-nambil | noun | |
nandal | transitive-verb | |
nangki | noun | |
nangkibu warri | intransitive-verb | |
narmba | adjective | |
naybu | noun | - knife (english loan word)
nbalmbungu | - | No definition available |
nbuyun-birrku | manner | |
ngabal | transitive-verb | |
ngadi | time | |
Ngadi-muril | noun | - near Grasstree where footprints are (Ngalba-bulal legend)
ngadiku | time | |
ngadil | noun | |
ngadil | time | - hickory, good timber for woomeras
ngadingka | time | |
ngajal | noun | |
ngajay | noun | - species of small crayfish, not eaten
ngaji | noun | - mother's father (relationship term)
ngakiji | intransitive-verb | - to hide from someone, to run away
ngakil | noun | |
ngakun | noun | |
ngakun | noun | - species of yam
- flame tree. The flowering of this tree signals the time when the scrub hen eggs are in season
ngala-ngala | adjective | - red (yalanji) (nyungkul - mula-mula)
ngalayin | noun | - Father-in-law, son-in-law (relationship term)
ngalba | noun | - a term you can call a person when you can't say that person's name, i.e. if anyone has the same name as a recently dead person; or if someone has the same name as a woman's son-in-law. The taboo names for them become ngalba.
ngalba-bulal | noun | |
Ngalba-bulal | noun | - Mt. Peter Bottle (place name)
ngali | pr | |
ngalin | pr | |
ngalkarran | noun | - species with edible red seed
ngalkarran | noun | - species of tree with edible red seed like an apple, ripe in August - October
ngalku | noun | |
ngalkun | noun | |
ngalkun | noun | |
ngalkunbu | noun | - Wayalla Plains (upper end of Plantation Creek)
Ngalkunbu | noun | |
Ngalmbungu | noun | - below Roaring Meg Falls (place name)
ngalmnbu | noun | |
ngalngal | noun | |
ngalu-ngalu | adjective | - refreshed, as after a swim. Can also mean healthy, lively, happy, glad, mentally alert
ngaluri | noun | |
ngamar | noun | |
ngamba | adjective | - not seeing or noticing or recognising
- absence
ngambuy | noun | - to strong a taste, i.e. too sweet
- grog, liquor
ngami-ngami | adjective | |
ngami-ngami-bungal | transitive-verb | |
ngamu | noun | - Mother, mother's sisters, great grand-daughter (relationship term
- below Meg Falls (place name)
ngamu-baka | noun | |
ngamu-kaja | - | No definition available |
ngamu-kaja | noun | - the main part in things that go naturally together, as the rifle and bullets, or the tape player in cassette player and tapes
ngamu-manda | noun | |
ngamu-murramu | noun | |
ngamujin | noun | |
ngamujin | noun | |
Ngamujin | noun | |
ngana | pr | |
ngandal | noun | |
ngandal milbil | transitive-verb | |
ngandal-barin | adjective | - nuisance, always telling someone to do something
nganday | adjective | |
nganga | manner | - only, for just a little bit, just that
nganganjirrka | manner | |
nganganjurrbu | adjective | |
ngangkal | transitive-verb | |
ngangkal | transitive-verb | - to be surprised or unexpected
ngangkay | intransitive-verb | |
ngangkin | noun | |
ngangkun | noun | |
ngangkurr | noun | - bark, as of a dog
- sound of a dog barking
nganja | noun | - taste
- voice of one's spirit left behind
nganja-burra | noun | |
nganjamu | noun | |
nganjan | noun | - father, father's brother (relationship term)
nganjan-manda | noun | |
nganjar | manner | |
nganjar-nganjar | manner | - hinting to find out something, not asking straight out
nganjay | adjective | - no good, wilted as nganka nganjay, "wilted flowers"
- bad smell. Methylated spirits is sometimes called nganjay
nganjin | pr | |
nganjirr | noun | |
nganjirr | noun | - grass tree (blackboy). If jarramali (thunderstorm) comes, anyone can burn one of these; ironwood bark (jujabala) wild grape vines (kangka); or grasstree pitch (kanunjul). The smell will make the thunder go away
nganjuninda | - | No definition available |
Nganjuninda | noun | - area across from Simm's Wharf behind Mangrove Island. (place name)
nganka | noun | |
nganku | adjective | |
nganya | pr | - me, direct object of the verb
nganya kayi | exclamation | |
nganya-burra | adjective | - old time Aboriginal trial. The one on trial has spears thrown at him. If he is able to dodge them, he goes free.
nganyay | noun | |
nganyi | adjective | |
nganyi-burra | adjective | |
nganyi-nganyi | policeman | |
nganyil | noun | |
nganyin | noun | - onion (english loan word)
- sugar bag
ngara | noun | |
Ngara bali-bali | noun | - upper Daintree River (place name)
ngara-bali-bali | noun | |
ngaral | transitive-verb | |
ngarkay | noun | |
ngarkay | noun | |
ngarmu | noun | |
ngarmu | noun | |
ngarngkul | noun | |
ngarra | manner | |
ngarra-yilbal | transitive-verb | |
ngarrakaja | noun | - species of shell fish, edible
ngarran | manner | |
ngarrbal | noun | |
ngarri | lower legs | |
Ngarri-muril | noun | |
ngarri-murril | noun | |
ngarrku-ngarrku | adjective | - obliging, easy to get along with because he does what you ask him
ngarruy | shellbait | |
ngaru | adjective | |
ngawa | noun | |
ngawiya | noun | |
ngawungkal | noun | - a shout from a long ways away
ngawur | noun | |
ngawurr-ngawun | noun | |
ngaybirr | noun | - name for spouse (used only by old people now)
ngayku | noun | |
ngayu | pr | |
ngayurrku | manner | |
ngidin | noun | |
ngiki | noun | - a cold, or any sickness of the lungs as bronchitis
ngiki-damaji | intransitive-verb | |
ngikiji | noun | - have a cold or chest complaint
ngingal | transitive-verb | |
ngingkirr | noun | - We were going heard a grunt, a pig coming
ngingkirr badi | intransitive-verb | |
ngingkirr wunay | intransitive-verb | |
nginja | noun | |
nginja-wunay | intransitive-verb | |
nginjirri | noun | - fidgety, restless, uneasy
ngiri | noun | - creek south of Tribulation
Ngiri | noun | |
ngirran | noun | - beetle fully developed from mujurr (witchetty grub)
ngiwa | noun | - two jutting stones (snake story site)
ngiwa | noun | |
ngiwa | noun | - moray eel. Also used sometimes for sea snake
- between kangkiji and Kaway (snake story site)
nguba | manner | |
ngubar | direction | |
ngubar-ngubar | direction | |
ngujakura | noun | - Aboriginal law, the dreamtime stories anything to do with the dreamtime
ngujan | noun | - a man or woman who is jealous-suspicious of his/her mate
ngujan-baka | noun | - a person who is always jealous, always suspicious of what his/her spouse is up to
ngujay | noun | |
nguju | noun | |
nguju-baka | noun | - something or someone that is always funny/playful
ngujuji | noun | |
ngujungu | noun | - for fun or in fun, pretend
ngujuri | intransitive-verb | - to play (yalanji) (nyungkul - kinkay)
ngujurr | noun | - a man calls his sister's daughters (ngujurr) (relationship term)
ngukal | noun | |
ngukal-badi | intransitive-verb | |
ngukal-baka | noun | - someone who is always asking things, beggar
nguku maniway | intransitive-verb | |
ngulkurr | adjective | |
ngulkurr | adjective | - good
- well, not sick
- good in the moral sense
ngulkurrijin | adjective | |
ngulnkul | noun | - voice without words, also to hum a tune
ngulumuku | noun | |
Ngulungaban | noun | |
ngumanji | adjective | - person with teeth missing
ngumbal | adjective | - fully trained boy. In the old time the boys were put through a course of physical training which included marches, hunting, etc. By about the age of 20, they were ngumbal, fully trained and eligible to marry.
ngumbi | noun | |
ngumbu | adjective | |
ngumbul | noun | |
ngumbul | noun | |
ngumbuymbu | - | No definition available |
Ngumbuymbu | noun | - up above the Zigzag on way to Main Camp
ngunay | adjective | |
ngundu | direction | |
ngungul-ngungul | adjective | - dark. It is usually contracted to nguwulnguwul or to ngulngul in fast speech
ngungumurr | noun | |
ngunjil | noun | - charcoal; hot coals or hot ashes
ngunnga | noun | - an open place (yalanji - nyungkul - warrmba)
ngunnga-bungal | transitive-verb | |
ngunya-ngunya | noun | - imagination, something you can't see but can picture in your mind
ngunyarr-damal | adjective | |
ngunyin | noun | - dilly bag
- the tree bark used to make into strips and weave fishing nets and dilly bags
- spider web
- placenta
ngura | manner | - too soon for others who aren't yet ready
ngura-ngura ngal | transitive-verb | - straighten, measure, aim.
ngura-nyajil | transitive-verb | - jealous, envious, because of another's possessions.
ngurku | - | No definition available |
ngurma | noun | - shadow, picture, statue, movie, cards, reflection in a mirror or smooth water
ngurma-mulkaynji | noun | |
ngurmu | noun | - decorated butt of woomera
ngurra | noun | |
ngurran | noun | - rope, also dilly bag made from rope
ngurrbal | noun | |
ngurrban | noun | No definition available |
ngurrku | noun | |
ngurrku | noun | - mopoke, owl
- edible fig and the tree
- name of rock near Pearce's place, visible only at low tide (story site)
ngurrkul | noun | - species of tree (with edible fig)
ngurrkul | noun | - tree and its edible fruit, found only in deep scrub
Ngurru | noun | |
nguru | noun | - a woman's husband's younger brother, a man's wife's younger sister (relationship term)
nguwimal | manner | |
nguwimal kari | adjective | |
nguwimal milbiji | intransitive-verb | |
nguwimalku kunil | transitive-verb | - to kill as soon as the thing you kill is seen
nguwul-nguwul | adjective | No definition available |
nguyal | adjective | |
nguyarr-manil | transitive-verb | - plan to do, but unable to; to want something but can't get it.
niji | manner | |
nikar | noun | - species of shallow water oyster found on rock
nili-nili | noun | |
nili-nili | noun | |
nirray-warri | intransitive-verb | |
nubi-manil | transitive-verb | |
nubiji | intransitive-verb | - to be looked for
- to be lost
nubil | transitive-verb | |
nukal | transitive-verb | |
nulngkun | adjective | |
nulu | noun | |
numburr | noun | - sound of a motor, rattling noise
nuril | intransitive-verb | |
nurru | noun | - ancestral home out west from which the special corroborees have come
nuwi | noun | |
nyabil | noun | |
nyajil | transitive-verb | - to perceive, to hear, to see. If you need to specify between seeing and hearing, you can say milkabu nyajil (hear), and miyilda nyajil "see"
nyaka | transitive-verb | - the command form of nyajil
nyamal | transitive-verb | |
nyambay | adjective | |
nyamun | noun | - rubbish, (but not household rubbish) such as dead leaves or stuff washed up on the beach. Also leaf mould from scrub, good for growing things.
nyanangarriji | intransitive-verb | |
nyandal | transitive-verb | |
nyandil | transitive-verb | - to stop someone, to prevent, to stop a motor
nyangarril | transitive-verb | |
nyarray | adjective | - aged, wrinkled, shrunken. Can refer to people, cloth or food, as an old wrinkled apple.
nyarril | transitive-verb | - step on, tread on, pinch, squash
nyarrkali | noun | |
nyarrmal | transitive-verb | |
nyidu | noun | |
nyiku | time | No definition available |
nyiku baja | time | |
nyiku-nyiku | time | |
nyikurrku | time | |
nyinday | intransitive-verb | |
nyinja | noun | |
nyinja-kangal | intransitive-verb | |
nyinjirri | noun | |
nyinki | noun | |
nyinyi | adjective | |
nyirran | manner | - the big green ant that is eaten, comes in December - January
nyirray | noun | - noise of crying, weeping, mourning.
nyirribulu | noun | |
nyubun | adjective | |
nyulu | pr | |
nyulurrku | manner | |
nyulurrku yulmbarriji | intransitive-verb | |
nyumal | transitive-verb | |
nyumba | noun | |
nyumba yilbal | transitive-verb | |
nyumba-buyun | noun | |
nyumbil | noun | |
nyumbil | noun | - leech
- coolibah tree (messmate)
nyumbirr | noun | |
nyumbul | noun | |
nyunbarraman | adjective | |
nyunbay | intransitive-verb | |
nyundan | intransitive-verb | |
nyungu | pronoun | |
nyungun | noun | - direct object him, her, it (Yalanji) (Nyungkul - nyungunyin)
nyungun-bungal | transitive-verb | - to recognize; to see and know someone before he sees and knows you
nyunil | transitive-verb | - extinguish, or to put a fire or light out
nyunjal | transitive-verb | |
nyurra | noun | - noise, people noise
- refers to last stages of labour
nyurra-baka | noun | - people making too much noise
nyurrbal | transitive-verb | |
nyuyal | transitive-verb | |
riba | - | No definition available |
rrunyuji | noun | |
waba | noun | |
wabarr | noun | |
wabul | noun | - torres strait island pigeon
wabul | noun | - Torres Strait Island pigeon
wada | noun | - species with edible white seed
wada | noun | - species of tree with edible white seed the size of an apple, ripe. August - October
wadal | noun | |
wadi | noun | - gesture of affection, to pinch or pat a person's cheek, usually done to a baby
wadil | transitive-verb | - weather - rain or cold - entering
wadjal | noun | |
wadu | manner | - wrong, incorrect
- children of an incorrect marriage
wadu-wadu | manner | |
waja | noun | |
waja | noun | |
waji-waji | noun | |
wakal | noun | |
wakay | noun | - wooden sword. The Port Douglas and rain forest people used them
waki | adjective | |
waki | noun | - half-caste (darker than barbi half-caste)
wakuka | noun | |
wakuka | noun | |
wakumba | noun | - spreading branches of a tree
wakuy | arm | |
walal | intransitive-verb | |
walarr | noun | - whiskers, beard
- name of one of the tribe moieties
- type of honey bee, almost like the dabu (other moiety), but bigger and nests in trees
walarrji | noun | |
walarrji | noun | - literally "with whiskers". Freshwater catfish are sometimes called this
walay | adjective | - being good at working or getting food, as a good hunter
walay-manil | transitive-verb | - to cause to enter, to put into
walba-murru | - | No definition available |
Walba-murru | noun | - up above mission site, bordering Wujal-wujal (place name)
walba-ngarra | noun | |
Walba-ngarra | noun | - near Grasstree where big footprints are (Ngalba-bulal story) (place name)
walbul-walbul | noun | |
walbul-walbul | noun | - butterfly
- small stingaray, spotted. Looks like a butterfly flying through the water
- flying fish
- species of mangrove - long round seed
walburr | adjective | - recently bereaved, in mourning
wali | adjective | |
wali-wunay | intransitive-verb | |
walkan | noun | - diamond fish or devil ray
walkan | noun | |
walkandu | noun | - English. This is not used very much anymore
walkarr | noun | |
walku | manner | |
walmba | noun | |
walmbaji | noun | - one who interferes to stop a fight. He holds the arms of a relative so he can't fight anymore
walmbi | direction | |
walmbi-walmbiji | noun | |
walngal | transitive-verb | - open
- wake (someone) up
- take clothes off
walngka | noun | |
walngkal | intransitive-verb | - to hang
- to float, as a log on the water
walngkan-damal | transitive-verb | |
walngkurril | transitive-verb | - to beg, to ask for something - Nyungkul
walu | noun | |
walu karimal | intransitive-verb | - disappearing, becoming few
walu-dalbaji | - | No definition available |
walu-dalbaji | noun | - species of bird. Sings out early in the morning, sounds like a saw
- near Thompson Creek. Story of that place has the same name (place name)
walu-dandi | noun | |
walu-dungay | intransitive-verb | |
walu-jirrbu-jirrbu | adjective | |
walu-kalngar-kalngar | adjective | - someone who is going around after sex everywhere, can't stay in one place
walu-murumal | intransitive-verb | |
walu-nukal | intransitive-verb | |
walu-walu | adjective | |
walu-warri | intransitive-verb | |
walu-wukurril | transitive-verb | |
walu-yindu | adjective | |
wambaji | intransitive-verb | |
wambal | transitive-verb | |
wambiji | noun | |
wanakan | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
wanakan | noun | - species of tree. The fruit is a long sweet seed, ripe in August - October. It is edible if ripe, if unripe it must be roasted first.
wandi | noun | |
wandi | noun | - fish hawk, brown hark, red-backed sea eagle. One of the sacred birds.
wandil | intransitive-verb | - to get up, to move out of the way, to come out
wandu | noun | |
wandu-wurril | noun | - policeman (hat turned up)
wandul | adjective | |
wangal | noun | |
wangariji | noun | |
wangay | noun | - a fruit bearing vine, found at Main Camp
wangkanil | transitive-verb | - choose; separate out, examine, then choose; count
wangkar | direction | |
wangkar-wangkar | direction | |
wangku | noun | - small tree or wood goanna
wanja | question | |
wanja-wanja | question | |
wanjabu | question | |
wanjaburr | question | |
wanjakan | noun | |
wanjakan | noun | - species of ti tree, used for bark painting. Bark also used for roof of house
wanjamun | question | |
wanjarr | question | |
wanjarrku | question | |
wanji-baka | noun | |
wanjil | transitive-verb | - desire to accompany, but unable to
wanju | question | - who (nyungkul) (yalanji - wanya)
wankar | noun | - species of tree (english name unknown)
wankar | noun | - a tree which grows along the water and has red flowers
- necklace made from little black and red seeds called kubirr-kubirr and threaded on a string
wankara | noun | |
Wankara | noun | - upper reaches of Daintree River
wankun | noun | |
wanya | question | - who (yalanji) (nyungkul - wanju)
wanyu | question | |
wanyurrimbu | question | |
wanyurrimun | question | - why, i.e. as cause of accident or sickness
wanyurrimundu | question | - with what (what (do you) use)
wanyurrinku | question | |
wara | noun | |
wara | noun | - king fish, Queensland groper, rock cod
waral | noun | |
waral-dandi | adjective | |
waralji | adjective | |
waran | noun | |
wararra | noun | |
wari | noun | - sign, call, message which is sent by telepathy
wari yilbal | transitive-verb | - to throw a message to another person by telepathy. A coal is taken from the fire and thrown into the dark.
wari-yirrkay | intransitive-verb | |
warimaji | noun | |
warka | noun | |
warka | noun | - species of tree, messmate or stringy bark
warkal | noun | - bailer shell used in the old time for a billy
warmbiji | intransitive-verb | - to lie defend oneself when accused
warmbill | transitive-verb | - doubt, not believe
- to run someone down
warngku | noun | |
warngku wunay | intransitive-verb | |
warngku-baka | noun | - habitual sleeper, one who is always sleeping
warngku-kaday | adjective | |
warngku-kaja wunay | intransitive-verb | |
warra-wayjul | transitive-verb | - to purify (by smoking) the things of dead people because of spirits
warrabuka | noun | |
warral-warral | - | No definition available |
warral-warral | noun | - water spirit
- name of mythical tribe of women in Kumarkaji story
- upper reaches of the Thompson Creek (place name) (story site)
warrbi | noun | - axe
- house made of grass, "beehive house"
warri | intransitive-verb | |
warrin | noun | - Sister-in-law or brother-in-law (actual) (relationship term)
warringal | transitive-verb | - to watch, to see where someone is going
warrki | adjective | - can't come close because of relationship
warrkin | noun | - Helenvale
- English loan, from Watkins
warrma | noun | - type of tribal dance, corroboree
warrmba | noun | - uncovered or exposed place, in the open
warrmba-bungal | transitive-verb | - find (yalanji) (nyungkul - ngunnga - bungal)
warrngkal | intransitive-verb | - to groan, suffer because of pain and/or sickness
warru | noun | |
warru-warru | noun | |
warrur | noun | - tree bark which can be used as vine. it was used to make fishnets, which were dragged through the water in the dry season when the water goes down.
warurrijiniji | intransitive-verb | No definition available |
wawu | noun | - the spirit of a man
- breath
wawu | ass | - wish, want, need, love, like
wawu jirray | ass | - to love very much, like very much
wawu nandaji | intransitive-verb | |
wawu yilbal | intransitive-verb | - to breathe heavily, to sigh
wawu yungal | transitive-verb | - wish, hope, usually without prospects of getting what you wish for
wawu-balangaji | intransitive-verb | |
wawu-buyun | adjective | |
wawu-daki | manner | |
wawu-dandi | adjective | |
wawu-daray | intransitive-verb | - satisfied, feel good about something
wawu-darra | noun | - so small that other things/people are being forced/squeezed out
wawu-darra | adjective | |
wawu-dudaji | intransitive-verb | - anxious, dread, to fear consequences
- the beating of one's heart
wawu-janbay | noun | - spirit left behind in a tree whose voice (nganja) is singing out
wawu-janka | adjective | |
wawu-juljal | ass | - used instead of a dead person's name
wawu-kari bajaku | ass | |
wawu-karrbal | transitive-verb | |
wawu-mini | adjective | |
wawu-wulay | intransitive-verb | |
wawubaja | noun | |
wawubu-dajil | transitive-verb | - give something and take it back again
wawuburra | noun | |
wawuburra | noun | - cottontree. Canoes were made out of these and the candlenut tree, bilar. When it blooms (big red flowers) it signals the start of the scrub hen egg season
wawukuna | noun | |
wawumal | intransitive-verb | |
wawurr-wawurr | adjective | |
wawurr-wawurr-bungal | transitive-verb | - to make happy, glad
- promise
wawurr-wawurrmal | intransitive-verb | |
wawurr-wuwurrmaniji | intransitive-verb | |
wawy-kujiji | intransitive-verb | |
wayal | transitive-verb | |
wayal-wayal | noun | |
Wayal-wayal | noun | - Wayalla Plains (place name)
wayarri | noun | |
waybala | noun | - white person (waybul) (nyungkal yalanji)
waybul | noun | - white person (waybala) (nyungkal yalanji)
wayi-janay | intransitive-verb | - jumping around because he's happy
- good dancer
wayjuji | intransitive-verb | |
wayjul | transitive-verb | - to cook food
- to burn something
waykal | noun | |
waymbil | noun | |
waymbul | adjective | |
wayul | noun | |
wuba | noun | |
wubaji | intransitive-verb | - to swell up
- to rise, as bread dough rising
wubali | noun | |
wuban | adjective | |
wubar-wubar | direction | - the other side of. Fast speech for ngubar-ngubar.
wubul | noun | |
wubul yarangkan | intransitive-verb | - strain the heart, as from lifting something heavy
wubun | noun | - hump, as on a Brahman bull
wuburr | noun | - site of present mission and up to the waterfall (place name)
wujal-wujal | noun | |
wujal-wujal | - | No definition available |
wujal-wujal | - | No definition available |
wujal-wujal | - | No definition available |
Wujal-wujal | noun | |
Wujal-wujalmun wangkar Binda-babranga | - | No definition available |
wujirrngal | transitive-verb | - blame because of your relationship to the guilty one, as if a child steals something, then the owner will blame the mother.
wuju | noun | - sponge made from grass, used as a sop for eating honey or soup
wujurr | noun | |
wukal | transitive-verb | |
wukarra | noun | |
wukay | noun | - hairy yam
- must be cooked, ground and leaved before eating
wukuju | noun | - freshwater prawn, the big one with long legs
wukurril | transitive-verb | - follow
- weave
- make a fence
- imitate
wula | noun | |
wulay | intransitive-verb | - to die
- to become unconcious
wulbar | intransitive-verb | |
wulbuman | noun | - old woman (english loan word)
wulburr | noun | |
wulburrjuburr | noun | - sacred dance of women at which the men sing but do not dance
wuli-wuli | noun | |
wuljal-wuljal | adjective | |
wuljaljiku | time | |
wuljay-wuljay | time | |
wuljil | adjective | |
wulku | noun | |
wulman | noun | - old man (english loan word)
- an old animal
- husband
wulmbarril | transitive-verb | |
wulngku | noun | |
wulngku badi | intransitive-verb | |
wulngkurr | noun | |
wulngkurr | noun | |
wulu | noun | |
wulurringkal | noun | |
wumba | adjective | - for nothing, for no reason
wumbul | adjective | |
wunay | intransitive-verb | - to lie down
- to sleep
- to have
wunay | intransitive-verb | |
wunay | transitive-verb | |
wunba | noun | - name of the English bee and its honey. Also used for honey bought in store
wunbu | adjective | - quiet, lethargic, half asleep, won't do anything, shy, doesn't talk. Opposite of ngalu-ngalu
wundil | transitive-verb | |
wundu | noun | |
Wundu | noun | - Mt Alexandra (place name)
wungar | noun | |
wungar dakal | intransitive-verb | |
wungar daray | intransitive-verb | |
wungar jalamal | intransitive-verb | - the sun comes out from behind the cloud
wungar jarra-jarra | adjective | |
wungar wandil-wandil | intransitive-verb | - sun rise. The sun is coming up.
wungar wangkar-wangkar | adjective | |
wungka | noun | - cry of a woman in distress
Wungka-baja | noun | - point straight out from Bloomfield River (place name)
wungkabaja | noun | |
wungkabaja | noun | |
wungku | noun | |
wungku | noun | - domestic turkey, not the scrub turkey
wunjal | transitive-verb | |
wunjan | noun | - no personality, no style, not a pleasure to be with
wunkun | time | |
wunkun yindu | time | |
wunkuwingku | time | |
wunyi-wunyi | noun | |
wurarr-wurarr | noun | |
wuri | intransitive-verb | |
wurmbariji | noun | - species of tree found in the scrub
wurmbu | noun | - tip of tail or top of tree, but not point of hill
wurra | noun | |
wurra-wurrangal | transitive-verb | |
wurrarr-wurrarr | noun | |
wurrbal | noun | - fog, mist rising from the river
wurrbu | noun | - hornet, bumblebee. Nests in a stump or the ground
wurri-wurri | adjective | - spotted, striped, speckled
wurril | manner | |
wurrkal | intransitive-verb | |
wurrmay | noun | |
wurrmay-baka | noun | - someone who is always stealing
wurru-bulan | noun | |
wurrul | noun | |
wurun | noun | |
wurunurru | noun | |
wuwu-damaji | intransitive-verb | - to go back all the time to the same place, as a good place to fish
wuyar | noun | |
wuyarr | adjective | - unable to see properly - if too far away, too dark, too small
wuybu | noun | |
wuybubu kulbal | transitive-verb | |
wuybur | noun | |
wuymbariji | noun | |
wuyngkul | noun | - spirit of sick person. Only a few people who know the wuynkul can see and talk to him. if they stare at him he hits them with a stick and the next day they become sick. He has eyes in front and behind him, and can see if bama stare at him. He can appear as a person, as a hairy brute with long teeth and a bad smell, or as a wild pig or snake. When by other persons, he has left the sick person.
wuyngkulji | noun | - one who is possessed by the wuyngkul spirit
wuynkurr | noun | |
wuyumbu | noun | |
wuyumbu | noun | - species of fish - Striped toby, also toadfish
ya | exclamation | - exclamation of surprise, attention getter.
yaba | noun | - species of fresh water eel
yaba | noun | - older brother
- freshwater eel - has a big head and is smaller than dandarribina. It does not have much taste, no fat, people don't eat it unless there's no other meat.
yabaju | noun | |
yabarraban | adjective | |
yabarrka | manner | - all the time, regularly, repeatedly, always
yaburr | noun | |
yaburr | noun | |
yajarril | transitive-verb | |
yajin | adjective | - full (of food) (nyungkul) (yalanji - yanji)
yakal | transitive-verb | No definition available |
yakal | transitive-verb | No definition available |
yala | question | |
yala | manner | |
yala | demonstrative | |
yala-karrajikur | manner | |
yala-yala | time | |
yalada | adjective | |
yalakay | exclamation | - expressing astonishment to another's statement. (nyungkul - yukil)
yalaku | manner | No definition available |
yalamal | transitive-verb | |
yalanguwimburr | time | |
yalanji | demonstrative | |
yalarrku | manner | |
yalayayku | demonstrative | |
yalaymba | demonstrative | - at this place (nyungkul) (yalanji - yaluy)
yalaymbu | time | |
yalaymburr | time | |
yalbay | adjective | |
yalibalaku | time | - early morning (english loan word, from early)
yalkaji | intransitive-verb | |
yalkaka | noun | |
yalkan | adjective | |
yalkay-yalkay | noun | |
yalmba | noun | |
yalmbar | adjective | |
yalmburrajaka | noun | |
yalmburrajaka | noun | |
yalnga | noun | - sea turtle, poisonous if sacs aren't removed
yalnganji | noun | |
yalnganji | noun | - manta ray (yalanji) (nyungkul - yidi)
yalngkal | noun | |
yalngkal | noun | |
yalngkurr | noun | |
yalngkurr | noun | - eagle hawk. Totem of all the Kuku-Yalanji people. It represents the country to which they belong
yaluy | demonstrative | - here, this place (yalanji) (nyungkul - yanyu)
yamba | noun | |
yamba | conjunction | |
yamba-kari | negative | |
yamba-kari | negative | |
yamba-yamba | noun | - household goods, collection of personal things
yambal | adjective | |
yanday | adjective | - something used before, as scraps, rubbish, leftovers. Things that float up on the beach such as timber, usable things only.
- ready
yanday-bungal | transitive-verb | |
yanday-nyajil | transitive-verb | |
yangka | noun | - green ant. There are used as a medecine for the common cold and other chest complaints. They can be crushed and the odour inhaled to cure headache; or the eggs, larvae, and pupae from the nexts can be mixed with salt water and taken
yangkija | noun | - handkerchief (english loan word)
yanja | noun | - rustling noise, as the wind blowing through trees or grass
yanji | adjective | - replete, full, satisfied after eating (yalanji) (nyungkul - yajin)
yanji bajakukuda | adjective | |
yanyil | transitive-verb | - to see and examine close up
yaral | demonstrative | - this, here (nyungkul) (yalanji - yuluy, yanya)
yaral | adjective | - fresh water (opposite of kalki)
- right, not angry or cheeky
- cool, not too hot
yarangkay | intransitive-verb | |
yararri | intransitive-verb | No definition available |
yarkin | noun | |
yarra | direction | - that way. This is always accompanied by a gesture.
yarraman | noun | |
yarrka | noun | - bee, the smallest bee in the bush
yarrkay-yarrka | noun | |
yarru | noun | - rainbow serpent (mythological serpent)
yarru | noun | - rainbow snake (mythical serpent)
- deep water hole
yaru | adjective | |
yarun | noun | - black wattle (yellow flower)
yarun | noun | - black wattle tree and its yellow flower
yawa | noun | |
yawarr | noun | |
yawarr | noun | |
yawu | noun | |
yawu | noun | - stingray. Long ago only old people were allowed to eat it, but now this isn't followed much. Spearing one will bring on thunder and rainstorms.
yayin-yayin-bungal | transitive-verb | |
yayji | adjective | |
yaykarr | adjective | |
yayngkar | noun | |
yibuy | noun | - loya cane. Also walking stick made from the loya cane. The roots were used to make the walking stick.
yibuy-karrbaja | noun | |
Yibuy-karrbaja | noun | - Snapper island (place name)
yida | noun | |
Yida | noun | - between Kangkiji and Kaway (place name)
yidi | noun | |
yidilnyul | noun | - spotted manta ray (nyungkul) (yalanji - yalnganji)
yijarril | transitive-verb | |
yijil-yijin | noun | |
yijirr | noun | |
yika | noun | - little silver of something, as a silver of glass
yika-damal | transitive-verb | |
Yikan-yikan | noun | - above the Stoney crossing in the Daintree River (place name)
yikanyil | transitive-verb | - to take clothes, shoes off (yalanji only)
yikari | noun | - hardened beeswax, hardened with ironwood root juice. The juice is extracted by heating and is used to make spears.
yiki | noun | |
yiki | noun | |
yiki-yiki | noun | |
yikin | noun | |
yilal | noun | |
yilay-yilay | time | - late afternoon, when the sun is in the west
yilay-yinduku | time | |
yilayku | time | |
yilbaji | intransitive-verb | |
yilbal | transitive-verb | |
yiljun | noun | |
yilki | noun | |
yiman | noun | - forehead (nyungkul) (yalanji - munju)
yiman bunjal | noun | |
yimarr-yiman | adjective | - a round face, like an Islander
yimbal | transitive-verb | - come too close, knock down
yimbal | noun | |
yimbalji | noun | |
yimbi | noun | |
yinba | noun | |
yindili | noun | |
yindili | noun | |
yindu | adjective | |
yingkan | noun | |
yini-yini | adjective | |
yinil | noun | |
yinja-yinja | noun | |
yinjilji | noun | |
yinju-kangal | intransitive-verb | |
yinjul | noun | |
yinjul | noun | |
yinkan | noun | |
yinkanda wunay | intransitive-verb | |
yinkar | noun | - dilly bag for holding remains
yinkunji | noun | |
yinkunji | noun | - species of fig tree with edible fruit (longest black fruit which becomes rip in the wet)
yinya | demonstrative | |
yinyamun | time | |
yinyarrin | demonstrative | |
yinyay | demonstrative | |
yinyil | noun | |
yinyil-kangal | transitive-verb | |
yira | noun | |
yiri | noun | |
yiril | noun | |
yiringkal | transitive-verb | |
yiringkurr | noun | - everywhere
- to talk "this way and that"
yirku-yirku | noun | |
yirmbal | noun | - taboo (yalanji) (nyungkul - jabul)
yirrbaji | noun | |
yirrbal | transitive-verb | |
yirri | noun | |
yirri-damal | intransitive-verb | |
yirrkay | intransitive-verb | |
yirrmal | transitive-verb | |
yirrmba | noun | |
yirrnga | noun | |
yiwan | noun | |
yiwarril | transtive-verb | |
yuba | manner | |
yubal | pronoun | |
yubuji | noun | |
yubuji | noun | |
yubulu | noun | |
yudal | transitive-verb | - start something, like a motor
yuday | noun | |
yukil | adjective | - true (nyungkul) (yalanji - yalakay)
yukil | transitive-verb | |
yuku | adjective | |
yuku-baja | noun | |
Yukubaja | noun | |
yukurr | noun | - a song sung by old men on behalf of someone whose relative has died in an unknown or far coutnry. The song is to send the dead man's spirit back to the right place
yulal | noun | - board, plank. Contrast with kimil, "round stick"
yulba | noun | |
yulban | noun | - any soft covering such as skin or vegetable or fruit peeling
Yulbulu | noun | |
yulkur | adjective | - poor physical condition, lean
yulmbarriji | intransitive-verb | |
yulmbarril | transitive-verb | - welcome, to sing out to someone to welcome him
- praise
yumalba | noun | - Mt. Yumalba, a montain new Mt. Poverty
Yumalba | noun | - mountain near Mt. Poverty (place name)
yumba | noun | |
yumba | noun | |
yumu | noun | |
yumu | noun | |
yundu | pronoun | |
yunduku baja | pronoun | |
yundurrku | manner | |
yungal | transitive-verb | - send
- to allow to go
- free from custody
yunu | adjective | - your, singular possessive
- for you
yunun | pronoun | |
yununyin | pronoun | |
yuray | noun | |
yuray | noun | |
yurmbil | transitive-verb | |
yurra | pronoun | |
yurril | transitive-verb | |
yurru-janjil | intransitive-verb | - suck down, as in quicksand or mud
yurrunji | noun | |
yurrunji | noun | - species of tree, called "dead finish" by whites. It is found only in Kuku-Nyungkul country except for one tree standing all alone at Main camp which is in Kuku-Yalanji country. The story is that he came from Romeo and was in Love with (bujanji) but was rejected and is now standing alone
yuru-dudal | transitive-verb | - to join together by means of something else, as nailing, sewing, etc.
yuwu | noun | |
yuy | exclamation | - exclamation of surprise and awe, usually prolonged and said in a breathy voice and level intonation
yuyku | noun | - a father is called this when he loses a child through death
Zigazagmun Main Campmunbu | - | No definition available |