verb inanimate transitive
  1. cause soreness from sitting too long
  2. cause body part to be sore (from being on it)
  3. temporarily misshapen by pressing against

  1. english: You should see his/her face, he/she must have been naping on it.
    translation: Nmituaq ugsisgw, npa'ji'jitug tetuji(w) mawmunielg'g.

  • word: elg'g
  • type: verb inanimate transitive
  • definitions:
    • cause soreness from sitting too longcause body part to be sore (from being on it)temporarily misshapen by pressing against
  • translations:
    • He/she causes a body part to be sore from being on it
  • usages:
    • english: You should see his/her face, he/she must have been naping on it.
      translation: Nmituaq ugsisgw, npa'ji'jitug tetuji(w) mawmunielg'g.